Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Possible Combination 5

A cloak of piety

The NCC has published a list of alternative operators that could migrate Fibertel million subscribers. The list is curious because it incurs multiple errors. That is, does the watchdog which monitors the market know?. Perhaps it insists that a club of subscribers may be sheltered by the market in just 90 days. And different companies Telefonica and Telecom. So, the CNC counts as Internet service providers to companies that are subsidiaries of other, to companies that no longer exist because they have been absorbed by other companies that never launched service companies providing other services and are licensed to access Internet just in case (Carriers international, national, providers equipment and network providers, mobile value-added) service providers to focus corporate satellite access providers (U.S. $ 200 per month and antenna for $ 1,500) and various resellers. The funny thing is that the informed reader will discover in the listing companies - three - the spectrum was cut away by serious irregularities. The other two, with the spectrum, which changed ownership several times without informing the Secom and that its balance sheet says it's on sale. Another, also with the spectrum in the bankruptcy process and intervened for justice. And another, lie paper, which has been the springboard for a bombastic, and recent launch of a wireless provider.

For pity's sake, we only publish the licenses should be considered as owned by the same company.

PD: Checking, Optiglobe (after Cubecorp) was not bought by SkyOnline but by Telecom. However, there is couplet.
PD2: Where it says Velocom Velconet read.

As we analyzed in the comments of the last note, are considered active two licenses in the hands of Grupo Clarin: Multichannel and PRIMA.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Home Bmx Ramps For Sale

heavy Digestion

Fibertel service should cease within 90 days. A wrong decision, without a doubt. However, beyond personal considerations, it is unclear how the Argentine market could absorb this million broadband subscribers that would be orphaned on such short notice. Does anyone have thought?

PD: Figures are in millions. In Argentina category referred to in total broadband access.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Steps On How To Mastervate

Sparks (and flash) in the Digital Pay TV mobile prepaid

By 2Q10, DirecTV said its American subsidiary amounted to 3.1 million subscribers. If this figure is discounted to subscribers reported to regulators, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Puerto Rico and Venezuela, in July totaled 980,000 DirecTV Argentina would pay TV subscribers. If so, DirecTV Argentina in August overcome the barrier of one million subscribers under the boost given to the prepaid service, this mode during the 3T10 relaunched after the trial conducted in 3Q09.

Given the poor used to calculate the subscribers of DirecTV Argentina, there is some margin of error. Ie DirecTV Argentina or already reached one million or reach that goal a month later. Although DirecTV

exceed (or exceeded) the psychological barrier of one million subscribers, can not sleep. Cablevision reported a sharp rise in subscribers of Digital TV, a category that compete directly.

However, Cablevision's strategy is tied to the sale in packages. In that sense the loyalty of users pay TV via the cable modem is vital. Will have to see how it will affect the overall strategy to sell access ban imposed on him Secom Aug. 5 and how fast it was reversed.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cost To Replace Wiper Motor

Prices and performance in July 2010

In August and October are scheduled further increases in the price of mobile minutes. Before that, we dump the evolution of prices until July 2010. As shown in the table, there have been no changes in the strategies to the extent that Claro has a single price for any network destination and time zone and Movistar Maintain personal reward criterion type communications
On Net

And here the evolution of the simulated performance of minutes (this time in minutes and seconds) for a recharge of $ 10. The yield was calculated based on an array of consumer profile. In turn, reference was made a recharge of $ 10 to the extent that value does not apply to this award and other efficiencies.

Cervix Hard At Menstruation

Tachometer Banda Ancha 2009 (¿®?)

In 2009, Mexico reached Chile on the podium in the fixed broadband, have not included any mobile or portable version. In both markets, the number of fixed access service amounted to a figure slightly above 35% households. The trend indicates that in 2010 Mexico will be the market leader in the region in terms of the ratio of fixed broadband access per household. In turn, the number of homes subscribed to broadband in Mexico and Chile still count as a figure above 40% of households. So, in 2009, Argentina fell to third in the regional ranking. In 2009, China saw a flattening in the curve of growth of broadband access due to a very bad first half at the sales attributable to an overestimation of the effects of the crisis by some operators.

None of the countries surveyed there is a comprehensive official plan to improve the penetration rates of broadband (Ed note: what little there is via satellite in Brazil, Colombia and Peru). Not to mention the possibility of including the access as a right. Only Brazil working on a connectivity agenda, given its poor indicators. In turn, the Triple Play does not seem to be a powerful boost for the market. Of the five countries with higher penetration hits 20%, Chile is the only one where operators with the largest scales are in an open competition through packages that include telephone, access and pay TV. However, the sharp escalation of Mexico is in some way connected with multiple service offerings. The shot is explained by a dizzying array of hits made by the local incumbent Telmex to close areas to pay TV operators as it governs the formal prohibition to enter the video market.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Indian Big Breast Com

matrix fixed income in 2009

In 2009, the fixed communications business telecoms Telefónica and Telecom continued his run up and scratched the $ 10,000 million. In dollar terms, of course, the development of fixed service has had a more conservative direction, but no less worthwhile. In turn, confirmed the change in the matrix of fixed income business of the incumbent. In 2009, for the first time, data and Internet service was the main item in the wireline business of Telefónica and Telecom.

Obviously this does not mean that the billing for subscriptions and services measured but has decreased the supply of both items to total revenues of the wireline business has lost weight compared with the more rapid development of Data and Internet section. Without doubt, in the configuration of the new array of fixed income business has carved a decisive promotions, double-telephony traffic access-plane launched by incumbent firms from 3Q07. It confirms this to see that the sum of items + Measured + Access Pass has gained greater weight since 2008 and have resulted in a sustained increase in total revenue.

Although 2009 was not a good year for the sale of broadband access, especially during the first half of the year has greatly enhanced the efficiency of the incumbent last mile to the point that 28.6% of fixed lines in service had an associated broadband access.

However, even in the Tren de la Alegría the duds of the Pink Panther intimidates a child. And in the fixed, shows that while traffic for calls and the number of lines in Serbian grow and grow, there are few lines installed to supply the demand. and classic ... it happens that the tariff freeze .

And Colorín Colorado, in 2009 there was a low relationship between the amount of investment and income. Although, it should be mentioned, which shrank dramatically in the fixed network disbursements during 2009 was Telefónica.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Womens Cartier Paris Quartz Swiss 20-61323

The new fixed broadband competition sharpens the knife but is whistling softly

With a very low profile, two heavyweights have entered the broadband market with the strategy of very high speeds at very low prices. Telmex and promotes its GPON network in some districts of West suburbs-Moron, Precautionary and Home-through door to door strategy with brochures that promote the "fiber to your house" ( here and here.) DirecTV and would have a capture 0800 for users with their WiMAX network in Mendoza, called DirecTV Net, and apparently at speeds from 3 Mbps to 7 Mbps ( here ).

Telmex announced last year in 2Q09 corporate balance its decision to proceed with a GPON network ( here ). At that time, the company described the development was designed to provide access and telephony to the SME market. In pamphlets distributed Telmex now in western suburbs, indicates that the bet is also home (used equipment Huawei terminals). Last year, Telmex had already designed a residential WiMAX product with the goal of matching the price offered access to the incumbent telephone +. The result was an offer of $ 149 for a 512 Kbps access and a phone line with inclusive minutes. That, it was said was a "rolled her", as that price would raise a return on investment long term even though the company had made CPE equipment of Chinese origin to an excellent rate of funding. However, this strategy had an unclear strategic sense, as the WiMAX not guarantee an optimal service quality to justify such an effort. Now, the proposal in GPON is much more aggressive on price, offered rates (between 1 Mbps and 5 Mbps) and minutes included (3000 and 1000 local NLD). Without doubt, the stakes are clearly winning the residential market, even at a loss. It should be noted that the bandwidth would support the proposed video capabilities, with which the recovery of investment could be accelerated.

Of course, when the extent of the GPON network is limited and Telmex have to see what the expansion plans. Although Telmex Argentina has a WiMAX network, much of the subsidiaries in the region has relegated this option for wired developments. The last to do so was Brazil's Embratel and that since 2010 has its own HFC tended complementary to that of his partner NET.

DirecTV also committed to broadband. The company has a frequency of 3.5 GHz, which belonged to ALPHATEL, with which he made various technology trials in Mendoza with Samsung. The service would be called DirecTV Commercial Net and it would be but for now have not been able to get prices (updated , photo here where the 3 Mbps is charged $ 60 for guests of DTH). According to some comments, would be offered speeds between 3 Mbps to 7 Mbps (Seems a lofty goal) and surely would give priority to sales within packages including DTH and access. It should be noted that DirecTV Latin America has a clear strategy to move forward with wireless last mile in the region. Already have a ready network in Brasilia, Brazil, which has been provided by Samsung, which operates on the 2.5 GHz band, however, still can not launch the service to the extent that the regulator, Anatel, has decided the destination that will give that band. It is speculated that the current holders of MMDS spectrum should return 140 MHz to 190 MHz that are allocated and the rest will be auctioned to wireless broadband. Precisely, DirecTV recently lost a competition held by UNE for 60 MHz in the 2.5 GHz band organized in Colombia where authorized to provide mobile services on that spectrum. So we should not forget that DirecTV is interested in the 2.5 GHz band, a spectrum history and in Argentina also crave and Yota ChinaTel.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Driver Education Suffolk

Digital TV is still a puzzle

Implementation of Digital Terrestrial TV (DTT), under the ISDB-T standard in Argentina is still an ongoing process and questions-core or derivatives, which will clarify, or not, on that same gear . The Government, in time, preferred to play the mystery. But as they begin to drop the injunction against the law Media, it's time to define the model TDT. Argentina out of World decos to buy cheap (?).

spectrum level, Argentina has 12 VHF channels (2 to 13) and 48 UHF (21 to 69, 53 does not count because it is used for Radio Astronomy), all with a 6 MHz bandwidth of State already 4 channels reserved for DVB-T UHF 22 to 25 - and announced that it will take another four, still unidentified. It has also been reflected through the Official Bulletin of the CNC recommendation to migrate to existing pay TV satellite systems from UHF channel 42, there are 9 operators in different regions of the country that, together, would amount to no more than 250,000 subscribers.

Suspected that these systems pay TV via UHF only be allowed to operate between channels 42 to 51, which would yield a total of 54 MHz Although the space in question would be lower than the 60-90 MHz UHF payments set forth in Currently, the difference would be offset through the digitization of the supply in order to multiply the number of signals offered on a single analog channel. The problem is that many of those payment systems are already digital UHF on the DVB-T standard. For those cases, the Government's proposal would be to change the scan for DVB-T ISDB-T. The supposed official recommendation would come to mind that the ISDB-T uses MPEG-4 compression, more efficient than MPEG-2 DVB-T, and because it would give the nod to pay on arming offers 1.2 million DTT set-top boxes that the Government distribute free of charge. Of the three payments UHF systems presence in Greater Buenos Aires, and Telecentre Antina have already been agreed and the third is Cablevision's not yet known their views. Even telecommunications cooperatives would also be interested in this model which could increase the supply of DTT, which in itself is already an increased amount of free TV channels with pay TV channels, all on a single receptor ( here ).

Although the supply of TV via Freeview will be open free of charge, the Government does not seem to have problems with the presence of pay proposals that are complementary to public service. In fact, several telecommunications operators in Argentina to discuss and offer ADSL modems with ISDB-T receiver built. Under this scheme could provide added value services for payments on the IP connection: Video on Demand, Pay for View, Catch Up, etc.. From a leading cable operator in Argentina, downplay that possibility, at least in the short term, since the required broadband connection should be robust, so that conditioning would only apply to 10% of the base Telefónica's broadband and Telecom. In addition, questions are likely to arise regulatory.

If payments UHF systems are located between channels 42 and 51, looking to auction off the space between 52 to 69 channels for wireless broadband services, the famous band of 700 MHz by any mobile operator would pay given their good fortune spread capabilities resulting in less investment in infrastructure. However, this possibility would require a bureaucratic miracle: the telecommunications and broadcasting authorities should agree.

So, the UHF spectrum from 21 to 41 would be allocated for the implementation of DTT. There are 21 channels per local area, including the State has already claimed 8, allowing a huge potential signals, at least 40. Thus, that principle was broken, never captured in the Media Act, which was promised by the sharing of the spectrum in equal thirds to the state, private and social organizations.

UHF The remaining 13 channels should be granted to existing analog TV stations to broadcast during analog-digital simulcast, a process that has not yet established a formal term but that the authorities set a maximum term of 10 years . Since, for example, in Buenos Aires there are only 4 private open TV stations, given plenty of space for new channels channels, private or community. The question is how much spectrum will be given to those stations, present or future. In theory, should be 6 MHz If so, the question is whether multiprogramming is permitted, ie the possibility of transmitting a signal over a single channel of 6 MHz, as permitted by DTT, which was the key success in Europe. The above triggers another question: do any of those signs "extra" could be paid? The regulatory history of the region are not unanimous. Multiprogramming Brazil only allows for state broadcasters, Chile, still under discussion in Parliament, and Peru allow the possibility of issuing several signals simultaneously and require only one of them is a mirror of the analog. In Mexico, the end of 2009, TV Azteca managed to open court-multiprogramming failure is not yet final, but the offer should be free.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Weeding Boutique Game

3G: The age of adulthood

According to measurements from INDEC, the Argentinean broadband market continues to rise, driven by the vague category "Wireless and Satellite." As discussed ( here ) from the 2Q09, the INDEC has formally including 3G access via USB that are actually running under the "Wireless and Satellite" are presumed to be counted from the 3Q08. After a simple process of unbundled, may be inferred that the Q1 2010, a USB 3G access operational and numbered 912,572. Growth is rapid, as with any massive mobile service. Anyway, note that in Q1 2010, added 216,000 new 3G access, the highest figure on record and the future of adventure technology for short-term.

Note: The method used to calculate 3G access is rudimentary as it is assigned a constant quarterly rate of additions to fixed wireless and satellite access. It should be noted that both technologies have, so far, a slow, almost single-handedly pushed Telmex WiMAX by Argentina. However, WiMAX will begin to push harder in the coming months as it is expected that DirecTV network, provided by Samsung, including commercial phase and Velocom, frustrated after the sale to Nextel, a pulse lying under this rule (found in vendor selection process.)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gonorrhea , How Lomg Can It Lay Dorment

the disparity in sales of LCD TVs is not a phenomenon typical of Argentina, even South America. The spread of LCD devices is a global event that has spilled over to these shores after the saturation of mainstream markets. Corning, at the top of the value chain as the largest producer of LCD glass, gave a presentation on the evolution of demand. According to Corning, in 2009, LCDs accounted for 69% of all TVs shipped worldwide. In 2012, the LCD would account for 90% of units shipped.

Corning said that the phenomenon has shortened the time LCD replacement TVs. In turn, the LCD displays a higher growth rate than the average total TV market. So, the expectation is that the average firing LCD TVs per household worldwide.

Obviously, the expectations of growth are in developing countries. Corning figures for Latin America is included within the category ROW (Rest of World). However, television penetration in the region is far better than that exhibited ROW. According to some calculations I did for NexTV, in 2009, 94.80% of Latin American households had at least one television. In turn, the average number of appliances per household was 1.96. With the fever of the LCD and TDT, it is expected that by 2015, 96.69% of households have a TV and that the average per household appliances shoot at 1.99. In 2009, the LCD only represented 5.30% of the televisions of the region in 2015 and will be almost 42%.

The thrust of the LCD is also the thrust Digital TV, pay or air. And the hand of the above is just an interesting phenomenon: the hybrid TV. That is, the possibility of adding a channel receiver IP-Digital TV Set Top Box or TV, which raise the interactive features.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tablet Truepower Papier

The TV attacks but I dreamed I went and returned satellites renewal and change

satellite in the world there is an annual event postponed: the "Investors Day" of SES Global, the holding company based in Luxembourg that is dealt with Intelsat for about 50% of the global business of selling satellite capacity. At each event, SES Global provides lots of information-each year, on the satellite industry, very small, with global revenues of around U.S. $ 10,000 million a year. The flood of data offered by SES Global in 2010 is debatable on many points but it is revealing about the leading role of DTH pay-TV business and the importance that you have that option in Latin America. SES Global

notes that Latin America is the region which exhibited the highest growth in demand for satellite capacity (see Plate 1). The holding company mentioned that demand for capacity in 2009 in the region of 642 transponders of 36 MHz, a figure slightly below the consensus-based industry in Latin America. By 2017, SES Global predicts that demand will climb to 960 transponders. In the satellite business is very risky project more than three years because the satellites have a limited lifespan (15 years average) and replacement of a unit is a very slow process (taking three years) which may occur or that the satellite will replace outdated or not is made but with the same capacity or a different amount (higher or lower). So, make a prediction to eight years, as presented SES is to straitjacket given the number of assumptions that must be implicit.

According SES Global, the engine of demand for satellite capacity in Latin America will be DTH. The analysis indicates that between 2009 and 2017 the DTH require 140 additional transponders. In turn, SES Global estimates that by 2017 there will be 27 platforms in service. According Telcos "Hello? , the Q2 2010 and were 17 DTH platforms in service and there are six that have announced they have permits to launch, bringing the SES Global forecast seems short.

Despite optimism about the progress SES Global demand for satellite capacity in Latin America, and DTH in particular, the projection of DTH subscribers in the region appears conservative (see Plate 3) . While the graph shows no figures, it appears that the volume of DTH subscribers expected by 2017 would be around the 15 -17 million, for 2015 and have climbed to 23 million according to calculations made recently to NexTV Latam. Of course, the growing demand for DTH capacity is not related to service subscribers, but with the growth of the number of video channels offered via DTH.

Plate 4 also displays a figure rarely seen: the prospect of growth in the number of channels offered by DTH satellite channel type. Although there has been an interesting increase in the supply of interactive and HD signals, the analog will be the dominant format among pay TV channels. To take this into account when decide to buy an HD TV!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wood Toy Box Free Plan

would be activated, suddenly, the regulatory procedures for approving the sale of MOVILINK owned Movistar, Nextel. The operation was announced in November 2007 and involved the payment of U.S. $ 32 million from customers, infrastructure and spectrum resources of the company trunking. If realized this operation, Movistar would be able to "lose" his leave of spectrum in several key cities across the country: AMBA, Cordoba, Rosario and Mendoza. This hypothetical setting tenure Movistar spectrum would allow to participate in the auction Spectral over from the purchase of Movicom.

Background. In 2003, Telefónica Móviles (TEM) had sold his own company trunking, RMD or Unifón Team, Nextel Argentina ( here ). TEM that company settled for $ 13 million, with clients and network, because he was not willing to invest in the digitization of this tendency. A few months later, in 2003, following the purchase of Movicom by BellSouth, Telefonica Moviles turned to inherit a network of trunking: MOVILINK. In November 2007, TEM also decided to sell those assets to Nextel for $ 32 million.

not so equal. However, the operation was not effective because the regulatory authorities never expressed. Of course, do not know the reasons for the delay. It must be remembered that in 2009 Nextel dropped a Velocom intention to purchase due to lack of official statement on the case. Although the situation now presented MOVILINK Similarly, it should be noted that when cancel the Velocom, Nextel was no longer interested in WiMAX development, the reason I was offered ( here ). For MOVILINK, however, is spectrum in 850 Mhz trunking. While that is a core asset for the principal activity of Nextel, it is known that the operator has its focus on migration WCDMA towards requiring traditional mobile spectrum.

Reasons. However, Nextel would have at least two reasons for not MOVILINK cancel the operation. On the one hand, the purchase will allow you to close the entrance to a potential competitor in the market for local trunking. The issue is not less because there are small operators 2003, after selling Nextel Unifón Team had put the fuss and threaten even to sue the authorities. However, the main reason to buy Nextel MOVILINK would, paradoxically, to facilitate the process of releasing mobile spectrum really interested in purchasing.

Ballast. For local regulation, the spectrum of trunking --SRCE, in the jargon should be added to the calculation of total mobile spectrum cap of each operator. In that sense, he still load MOVILINK Movistar 5 MHz in the AMBA, Mendoza and Rosario, Cordoba 3.5 Mhz and 0.5 Mhz for delineation of the route 9 ( here page 82). Now if you approve the transfer to Nextel, Movistar look that discount the trunking spectrum of CAP. Movistar must be remembered that, after the return of excess spectrum for the purchase of Movicom, has 50 MHz in each of the three areas of the country, the maximum allowed by the rules ( here ). If you deducted that burden would be able to participate - even for a minimal fee - in the competition for the remaining spectrum of the union of Unifón and Movicom.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Heissner Pond Vacuum Cleaner

The seven largest markets in Latin America totaled 418 million mobile lines at end of 2009, which reveals that there are 87.68 lines per 100 inhabitants, as derived from official figures reflected by the respective local regulators. The registration of mobile lines at the end of 2009 representing a growth of 10.74% with respect to the existence of 2008, a sharp slowdown in the pace of growth in previous years, attributable to the crisis.

worth noting that only Argentina, Brazil and Peru registered a growth rate above the regional average, as the last two was due to be relegated the two markets in terms of penetration. In turn, only Argentina and Chile - the most mature markets - were the only countries that managed to maintain a growth rate similar to that of a year earlier.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hot To Write A 30 Days Collection Letter

Rollercoaster Prodigal Son

Telecom Italia is reluctant to leave the control of its namesake in Argentina, as ordered by the State. Challenge Courts office from where the case and draws tens of records. So, the outcome promises to be long. Telecom Italia's strategy would stretch the time until 2011, hoping, of course, to have that time with a new political color in power. The government suspicion, despair and threat.

last week leaked the "short list" of candidates, all local. In principle there are three: the trio Eurnekian - Gutierrez - Madanes Garfunkel, IRSA and the Roman Group. I could have one more. The consortium Condor, whose face is visible Carlos Joost Newbery, would be making last-minute negotiations in Rome that Telecom Italia will include it again in the game. Finally, the Government also has the shadow of Clarín.

Theory. Government sources Clarín identified as a possible mastermind of the strategy of the Italian judicial delay. In early February, Nestor Kirchner "officially" that the origin of the conflict with Clarin was his refusal to attempt the Group for taking part of Telecom, the same species had been launched long ago by social leader Luis D 'Elia. Theory

enlarged. Circle also a larger version. The species is narrated that the CEO of Clarin, Hector Magnetto, Kirchner would be exposed to an armed operation that included an agreement with Telecom Italia. The aim was to make Clarin partner Telecom Italia to replace the Werthein. Nestor had to move quickly understand that this meant, at least two problems. The first issue would not resolve market concentration at the hands of Telefónica, owner in the country of its namesake and control of Telecom via its stake in Telecom Italia. The second point: Kirchner would have smelled that the apparent move meant, necessarily, a pact between Clarin and Telefonica. And it would have been willing to provide a center of power for the media footprint. The version heroifica Nestor said that his analysis would have been: better to have them separately and only arbitrate in its long history of conflict. Of course, only be a myth be credible, not necessarily true. The problem is sneaking consciousness as self-fulfilling prophecy. In some government offices that tried suspected primordial covenant between Clarin and the Italians would have been reissued by mutual convenience. Hence the threat of nationalization Telecom launched by Planning Minister Julio De Vido.

falsetto. Rumors Telefónica's purchase of Telecom Italia could precipitate the departure times of the Italians. A Telecom Italia is to resist the arguments fall leaving Argentina. However, there is always a detail. Such an operation would exist in the business daily. Everything would have been a campaign installed by the Italian Government. The move would have been waving the specter of foreign ownership of strategic assets. Fantasy, English sources say, would have been that, by acclamation, ask the rescue of Telecom Italia by Mediapro, owned by Silvio Berlusconi, Italian Prime Minister. Perhaps, Silvio should be regulated in the state of the strategic and punished Italtel ( here.)

Away. Already, three candidates accepted for the final contention for a share of control of Telecom Argentina. Although Carlos Slim would have been tempted in 2009 by officials, would not accompany any of the shortlisted groups; even as a financier. Mexican entrepreneur would, perhaps, an opportunity in the medium term. Especially if clustering between Eurnekian - Gutierrez - Garfunkel Madanes is finally Alzara control of the company. The shooting happened in Eurnekian - Gutierrez in the purchase of assets of Quilmes beer, another operation ordered by the Defense of Competition, is a curious history and take into account when reading between the lines ( here.) And the chances of that trio are high, not only because it supposedly official count with an agreement that would facilitate the Werthein enough to unlock the judicial issue.

Blessing. The Roman Group, led by Alfredo, and IRSA, Eduardo Elsztain also charge him with power ties. Although businesses are known to have no ideology seems that if Telecom would need to have some official blessing. At least, Carlos Joost Newbery, the champion of armed telecommunications consortia to vernacular, have gone through several offices without being able to present their proposal to the Chiefs. A lack of political endorsements, have decided to expose your offer to the press, the figure was the highest among the known and offer for 100% of Sofora, the parent company of Nortel and, by transitive property of Telecom. The move would have been to media Italian shareholders take note.

of shopping. IRSA The case also generated some curiosity. At the end of 2003, Eduardo Elsztain lost their ranks in IRSA Marcelo midline, shareholder and CEO of the Group. Legend has it that Midline have decided to leave by his boss's refusal to diversify investments outside the real estate field. The storage pointed to one of the last business opportunities that would have rejected Elsztain Midline have been advanced on the part of France Telecom in Telecom. A bargain that have used the Werthein. In fact, after divorce, Midline has entered - via its Pampa Holding Company - in business "Regulated" power sector, among others. Instead, the bid for Telecom is the first clear sign of diversification of Elsztain. The amounts involved in the offer made to rule out the idea of \u200b\u200ba wet ear to the former partner.

Optimists hope that the sale to close by midyear. Another kind of optimism lights candles to get no-decisions to 2011.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pilote Geforce 440 Go 64 Mo

candidates with parricide trends with Apples Pears

Slim's family in mid-January proposed a grouping of the two Telmex (Mexico and International) at the hands of America Movil, the company star, born from the rib of Telmex in 2000 ( here ). For reasons of operational efficiency, the move was seen coming from some analysts, but now the forecast boastful (including this server here, here and here.) However, the first steps of bringing together - informal, yet have no regulatory guarantees - would realize that the movement has been untimely. There would have been too much preparation before and now - a month's notice - in the subsidiaries are to calculate savings from efficiencies.

After all, we must not forget that the Slim empire is a (large) family business. Decisions are made in a small inner circle. However, it should be recognized that in America Movil, the least in Argentina, took for granted the move since April 2009. The idea would be exposed only to some large customers, separately. Indiscreetly, I have noticed that all the local business Slim would soon be in your hands. A breach of trust with which they may have stolen Telmex accounts. Do not forget that since Argentina Claro 3G dispute has certain fixed niches. Therefore, Telmex became a competition. And America Movil contemplation with no opponents, even with the "blood." Until then only maintained a forced cohabitation for the realization of certain net investments in common use; ponderous for Telmex's local.

Now, the grouping has forced them to think together savings from synergies in the country. Already have agreed to unify duplicate links and the mutual surrender of traffic "off net". The most important course planned to build a data center itself but now have decided to host their equipment in the facilities of Telmex. And it would be everything from Mexico would call for a net savings even higher.

Although it is technically only a change of controlling, and within the same group of companies, the process would be living as internally Telmex acquisition ( here interpreted ). It happens that Carso, the former owner of the holding was a "metaphysical entity", not operational. America Movil, however, is a telecommunications operator. And of colossal size. Then, the fear of Telmex is based on the duplication of functions, especially in the areas of support. On the case: it is estimated that local affiliates of AT & T, and Metrored Ertach accumulated, together, 800 jobs. After digestion of these companies, now only Telmex remain within 10% -15% of that workforce. They say the clash of cultures upset that (basically, lower wages) exceeded the original compensation. Telmex Argentina currently employs 880 people. Although it is still quick adventure will Operating assembly, some see signs that eventually lead Telmex corporate business forward.

If America Movil seemed to be aware of the movement, until last week in Mexico Telmex still could not believe it. "They were born in our kidney and now we do this," returned from Mexico a mournful voice. Paternalistic, they can not blame Slim. Less passionate opinions analyze the grouping would seek to protect the value of the shares of Telmex Mexico, hit by competition in fixed and unable to salt the fence to get into pay TV. The synergies would come later.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mere Name Jokar Hto Scine

According to INDEC, Argentina is more mobile than people. In particular, measurements of the body show a relationship of 125 mobile lines per 100 inhabitants. However, the figure is inflated. The principal distortion is introduced by pre-paid, over 80% of life. Basically there are different criteria in defining active prepaid user. In the usual definition is written off prepaid user does not generate revenue (outgoing or incoming) for a period of a month. INDEC, clearly, does not use this rigorously. According to various industry sources, the deficiency in the prepaid count derived that the official base of mobile users in Argentina in 2009 has been in a 33.50% - 35% above their real values. That is, the mobile penetration will be 83 lines per inhabitant. High anyway.

In 2009, the universe of fixed lines in service - cooperatives, entrants and incumbents - exceeded the barrier of 10 million hits, a milestone that has gone unnoticed. Despite being a technology "collective", used by more than one user within a dwelling, usually measured the penetration of fixed per capita. According to this metric, there are 25 fixed lines per 100 inhabitants, much less than the phones. The statement is not fair to the extent that there is usually a family, for example, a single fixed line but a cell phone for each member. Therefore, if the penetration of fixed household is measured, the relationship in 2009 yields 81 fixed lines per 100 households.

words, to do justice to the unavoidable need to compare apples with oranges. Thus, the permanent exhibit similar penetration rate of mobile phones. And with it you can clearly see the roof that have reached their phones. However, this does not mean that mobile phones will come into a plateau. By contrast, the advantage of the mobile is the possibility to have more than one operator in the same terminal through the exchange of SIM cards.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ati Mobility Driver 1680x1050


According to INDEC, the base in 4Q09 mobile lines in Argentina rose by only 300 units. That is, in the span of 90 days only joined just over 3 mobile lines daily. This is hard to believe.

The monthly evolution history of mobile lines only recognizes a previous moment of no growth, from mid 2001 until April 2003.

According to the official measure, the existence of mobile lines is stuck at 50.41 million. Between October and December of the year only amounted to 300 new accounts. The phenomenon is very strange because, as the following graph shows, December is a month long bullish on mobile phone sales. Without going any further, to the INDEC, in the same period amounted to 43,300 new fixed lines in service being that it is a technology "dragged its feet" on the mobile growth.

The information published by INDEC is provided by the CNC, in turn, gets the data from the operators themselves. Although official figures on mobile lines in Argentina are very bulky, the report of Indec no explanatory notes on a possible change in calculation methodology. Could happen, perhaps, that some operators have undertaken a process of "cleaning" of its user base. That is, if one of the three users gave low "sleep", the high they could have done the other two resulted in a zero sum end game.

Maybe it's just a drawing.

of December, according to INDEC, had 125.6 mobile lines per 100 inhabitants. So there are more mobile than people, as in Western Europe. That figure, very controversial, as has been the subject of political bombast. However, such a user heap on the floor strip metrics major consumer: traffic and revenue per line. Precisely, although the number of lines is stagnant, call traffic and SMS kept rising. So the average online consumption has soared to record highs in 2004.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Granny Wear Pantygirdles


Telcos "Hello? will pause until February.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Red Marks On Tongue Hurts Every Time You Swallow

Merge or not to merge

The Opinion 770 of the National Commission for Protection of Competition (CNDC) is a collector's item. There are 183 pages in which the argument turns to terminate the merger of Multicanal and Cablevision for breach of the goals set at the time of approval and compliance with deadlines were of two years. For some reason, Guillermo Moreno, Secretary of Internal Commerce, declined to publish in the Official Gazette of resolution 1101 and the Opinion 770, which adds additional value to another document. The document is curious plaintive tone he uses to constantly insist that Clarín and Cablevision are not supplied the necessary information. In this way seeks to make its main strength weakness. While it is advisable to read in its entirety, the substance of the argument begins on page 46. Opinion

How Can I Unblock Websense

And what happened was pass: Telefónica would flow into a wholesale pay TV Top 10

Dec. 19, Fecosur - the Federation of Southern Cooperatives telephone - in Mar del Plata signed an agreement with "Telefonica del Peru" for a solution to provide wholesale pay TV on DTH ( here.) The move - went unnoticed by the mainstream press - would allow the affiliated to the Federation have a choice of several patents 3Play and make hypotheses on this site. Namely:

- Cooperatives need not wait for the Media Law to apply for pay TV licenses,

- The DTH "turnkey", provided by a third party, would be a more convenient option for cooperatives that the deployment of FTTx networks. In fact, Telefónica's wholesale solution assumes the availability of DTH-IPTV hybrid systems with which to raise some interactivity at an affordable cost,

- Media Law clausuraría not the performance of telephone operators and wholesale network for Pay TV . This is what would allow "Telefonica del Peru" (actually Telefónica Multimedia, based in Peru) offer their solution DTH to third in Argentina. Probably should become Telefónica Media Argentina (you already did, or does it take as its own DTH license of an extinct vernacular as rumored?)

- The DTH offering at the wholesale level should be understood as resale, which could lead to the emergence of "rubber stamps" to rent this infrastructure. Again, is resurrected for this license that the late DTH, as he insists?

Obviously, it is expected that the agreement in question is challenged in court by Grupo Clarin. Here