The NCC has published a list of alternative operators that could migrate Fibertel million subscribers. The list is curious because it incurs multiple errors. That is, does the watchdog which monitors the market know?. Perhaps it insists that a club of subscribers may be sheltered by the market in just 90 days. And different companies Telefonica and Telecom. So, the CNC counts as Internet service providers to companies that are subsidiaries of other, to companies that no longer exist because they have been absorbed by other companies that never launched service companies providing other services and are licensed to access Internet just in case (Carriers international, national, providers equipment and network providers, mobile value-added) service providers to focus corporate satellite access providers (U.S. $ 200 per month and antenna for $ 1,500) and various resellers. The funny thing is that the informed reader will discover in the listing companies - three - the spectrum was cut away by serious irregularities. The other two, with the spectrum, which changed ownership several times without informing the Secom and that its balance sheet says it's on sale. Another, also with the spectrum in the bankruptcy process and intervened for justice. And another, lie paper, which has been the springboard for a bombastic, and recent launch of a wireless provider.
For pity's sake, we only publish the licenses should be considered as owned by the same company.

PD: Checking, Optiglobe (after Cubecorp) was not bought by SkyOnline but by Telecom. However, there is couplet.
PD2: Where it says Velocom Velconet read.
As we analyzed in the comments of the last note, are considered active two licenses in the hands of Grupo Clarin: Multichannel and PRIMA.
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