With a very low profile, two heavyweights have entered the broadband market with the strategy of very high speeds at very low prices. Telmex and promotes its GPON network in some districts of West suburbs-Moron, Precautionary and Home-through door to door strategy with brochures that promote the "fiber to your house" ( here and here.) DirecTV and would have a capture 0800 for users with their WiMAX network in Mendoza, called DirecTV Net, and apparently at speeds from 3 Mbps to 7 Mbps ( here ).
Telmex announced last year in 2Q09 corporate balance its decision to proceed with a GPON network ( here ). At that time, the company described the development was designed to provide access and telephony to the SME market. In pamphlets distributed Telmex now in western suburbs, indicates that the bet is also home (used equipment Huawei terminals). Last year, Telmex had already designed a residential WiMAX product with the goal of matching the price offered access to the incumbent telephone +. The result was an offer of $ 149 for a 512 Kbps access and a phone line with inclusive minutes. That, it was said was a "rolled her", as that price would raise a return on investment long term even though the company had made CPE equipment of Chinese origin to an excellent rate of funding. However, this strategy had an unclear strategic sense, as the WiMAX not guarantee an optimal service quality to justify such an effort. Now, the proposal in GPON is much more aggressive on price, offered rates (between 1 Mbps and 5 Mbps) and minutes included (3000 and 1000 local NLD). Without doubt, the stakes are clearly winning the residential market, even at a loss. It should be noted that the bandwidth would support the proposed video capabilities, with which the recovery of investment could be accelerated.

Of course, when the extent of the GPON network is limited and Telmex have to see what the expansion plans. Although Telmex Argentina has a WiMAX network, much of the subsidiaries in the region has relegated this option for wired developments. The last to do so was Brazil's Embratel and that since 2010 has its own HFC tended complementary to that of his partner NET.
DirecTV also committed to broadband. The company has a frequency of 3.5 GHz, which belonged to ALPHATEL, with which he made various technology trials in Mendoza with Samsung. The service would be called DirecTV Commercial Net and it would be but for now have not been able to get prices (updated , photo here where the 3 Mbps is charged $ 60 for guests of DTH). According to some comments, would be offered speeds between 3 Mbps to 7 Mbps (Seems a lofty goal) and surely would give priority to sales within packages including DTH and access. It should be noted that DirecTV Latin America has a clear strategy to move forward with wireless last mile in the region. Already have a ready network in Brasilia, Brazil, which has been provided by Samsung, which operates on the 2.5 GHz band, however, still can not launch the service to the extent that the regulator, Anatel, has decided the destination that will give that band. It is speculated that the current holders of MMDS spectrum should return 140 MHz to 190 MHz that are allocated and the rest will be auctioned to wireless broadband. Precisely, DirecTV recently lost a competition held by UNE for 60 MHz in the 2.5 GHz band organized in Colombia where authorized to provide mobile services on that spectrum. So we should not forget that DirecTV is interested in the 2.5 GHz band, a spectrum history and in Argentina also crave and Yota ChinaTel.
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