Monday, March 21, 2011

Sprawdzić Chipset Tunera Pinnacle


The varieties produced in the country, being commercial (easy to peel and ideal for French fries) are the Huaycha La Paz and Desiree, both belong to the species: tuberosum spp andigena. The
National Agricultural Survey 2008 reports that the annual potato production in the country reaches 935,852 MT in an area of \u200b\u200b197.8407 hectares, with an overall average yield of 5,216 kg per hectare

regard, the executive director INIAF, Erick Murillo says that the yield of potato in the country is relatively low. "We use the center of the potato, which means that we have controlled nearly 3,400 accessions (potato which differs from the other morphologically but genetically and can be collected from different parts of the country). These represent our genetic diversity, in all only 30 are in use by producers. "
He added that there

tubers produced in very cold areas, in areas mean temperature in the tropics. "These are varieties that produce less than average, but also are ensuring that we produce in different ecosystems."

To achieve this, in late 2008 and the birth of INIAF began the first phase of a research project and technical assistance in the use of high quality seeds covering nine food items and, according to Murillo, provide greater productivity from 2012 to over 3,000 producers in the country. The initiative, during the two years of implementation, entity sued the investment of more than Bs 140 million. Murillo

details that training in cleaning and selection of existing native varieties producing areas under irrigation is carried out by zone. "We are working in the valleys of Cochabamba, Tarija, Chuquisaca, Potosí and Santa Cruz."

Cooperation. Murillo emphasizes support seed production in the last 27 years the Kingdom of Denmark, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Dutch and the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA ) in the area of \u200b\u200bgermplasm resources received World Bank.

For the SDC, National Programme Officer, Marcelo Collao, indicates that for almost 16 years joined forces with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, seed producers and other organizations and invested U.S. $ 14 million in various projects. In the for the improvement of potato production, supported with infrastructure, equipment and training. "In some crop production depends on the seed and in the case of the potato represents 30 or 40% of the total production cost. We come from July 2010 to train technicians in the National Seed Program (NSP), to perform the certification of seed they use on their crops. "

The expert refers to the process that ensures that the seed is free of disease and expect high genetic quality and excellent technological level. This culminates with the registration of the variety in the PNS, which currently does not even reach 10% of potato production. "The process that ensures greater production and performance is costly, therefore, 90% work with traditional, rustic seed preferred because it adapts to various climates," he explains. Collao

recalls that until two years ago, the domestic market is supplied with its own production under this system, but must now be accompanied by funding, technology and market access, by the producer and public and private actors.

"Productivity depends on incentive policies," he adds.

tuber sell

INIAF According to the data, total production of potatoes, a million tubers of Solanum tuberosum are exported annually to Brazil and so far this year, 2,642 were imported. 505 kg from Peru and the Netherlands, with a value of U.S. $ 88,809.



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