Proagro Phase II also introduces the adaptation to climate change, an orientation to poverty reduction and sustainable agricultural development, where water is a means to reach the goal of enhancing productivity led to consumption and marketing. "In dry regions can not speak of permanent irrigation, but how to ensure that the harvest of their crops is a good crop," says the coordinator of Proagro, Thomas Heindrichs. With associations of producers with whom they worked, after having access to irrigation water, "have improved their incomes have increased dramatically," he says. In Cochabamba, For example, in small communities, families received technical assistance for improved potato seeds and for the type of soil, resulting in high productivity in their harvest. It also introduced the cultivation of flowers, appropriate to the place, to have an additional product to enhance their income. Have technical support INIAF (National Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Innovation), whose objective is to develop and improve self-management capabilities productive agricultural and forest of small and medium producers to help improve quality, productivity and competitiveness of agricultural production, livestock and forestry, through processes participatory, knowledge sharing and dissemination of technologies in harmony with nature "(www.proagro-bolivia.org). Integrated Watershed Management becomes a key tool for improving the protection of natural resources, mainly water. This allows the implementation of reforestation and erosion protection in the upper basin, the participatory preparation and implementation of Integrated Management Plans Watershed and favor the agreement or consensus among different water users. However, they face challenges to intersectoral coordination of institutions involved in water management, the strengthening of the basin as territory in the regional and local planning and governance of the water basin level. The role of water user associations acquired a prominent role in advancing the objectives. Proagro team has 50 people, of which 30 technicians working in the selected regions. Coordinate watershed The Watershed Management component working in coordination with the Vice Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, to develop concepts of management and integrated water resources management for the formulation of sectoral policies. The local approach is a priority in the "Development can only work if people have the leadership, that they take ownership of the means, processes and its future, "said the coordinator of Proagro, Thomas Heindrichs. With regard to support production and marketing, emphasizes a local approach rather than to reach larger markets. The goal is to have food for their family, community and market their surplus products in surrounding communities, which also are far from major cities in the country. Food security is the key in the dry regions of the country, which constantly are facing drought, erratic rainfall, frost, pests and diseases. The Production and Marketing component in Phase II of Proagro seeks to improve the situation of income and food security small producers and land use practices that ensure the conservation of productive bases. Emphasis on gender, multiculturalism and conflict sensitivity. It also focuses on strengthening and fostering productive organizations marketing agreements. At this stage, support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) as cofinaciador is essential for the program Proagro. In the first phase was 30 municipalities, known as strategic partners to pursue the program. Now they are selecting new municipalities. Link: http://www.la-razon.com/version_fi.php?ArticleId=617&EditionId=2480&ids=6
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