A sample of their development. In the worst moment for the country Japan, the U.S. embassy in Bolivia presented the project of refraction of San Alonso Education Center and a tour of the colony Okinawa, located 78 kilometers from the city of Santa Cruz, where he showed the work done the social and productive. This support comes through the International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which the country has invested a lot of money. "From 1960 until last year Japan has collaborated with $ 1,666,000 in respect to education, health, construction of a hospital, funding for rail, opening of schools, water supply, irrigation and roads, "said Toshio Watanabe, Japan's ambassador in Bolivia.

"At the Embassy we are studying the possibility of investing in projects water, irrigation and education, "the diplomat said.
The agro. In regard to the productive part, immigrants had the vision to create a cooperative, which now is an example of work and development. This is the Integral Colonias Okinawa Agricultural Cooperative (CAIC), which receives approximately 85 thousand tons of grain from rice, wheat, sorghum, corn and soybeans. 85 percent of this amount corresponds to the grain of gold, which officials said Caico, "is the product of the area." Caico
38-year period and was created to assist in the following farming knowledge and technologies of Japan's culture.
In its feed mill will process about 240 tons of soybeans per day working 24 hours. Is bagged in sacks of 50 kilos and sold ton $ 500.
output generated by the colonies is about 30 thousand hectares of crops, which supplies the plant Caico. In addition, 65 percent of its production is exported to Peru and the rest is for the domestic market.
The cooperative assistance in regard to technology transfer to farmers.
Moreover, Caico also produces cheese and works with 6000 liters of milk per day, takes about 500 kilos of cheese. This is distributed throughout the country and as part of their production also worked with the brand Okimilk, but then stopped. According Takehiro Higashi, president of Caico, EXPIRATION the short time the product is a limitation. "Going out for milk and we have a day to take to Santa Cruz, then you have to distribute milk and even that is useless. Then we have to improve that, "he said.
"This is the work of our parents who are the pioneers and has been gradually consolidating. I think that we are providing enough food in the country. We have to follow the example of our predecessors in regard to discipline land and agriculture, "said Higa.
Caico. Since its foundation the main activities carried out by the cooperative, have been the support and increased agricultural production and industrialization of various products such as cereal grains, soybeans and integrated feed, among others.
By installing the battery plant and grain storage silos, the installation of a machine off and other projects that have helped to diversify commodity prices and thus improve the cooperative has achieved better economic welfare of its members. Efforts Caico partners in the production of wheat have been recognized by national authorities, thus by a ministerial decision in 2002 declared the Colonia Okinawa as "wheat capital of Bolivia." However, today this crop is produced by little, because Soy has gained more preferably it is the only grain that has national government approval for use in transgenic variety resistant to pests and climatic conditions.
Immigration. In 1953 the national government gave to Japanese immigrants an area of \u200b\u200b10 hectares in Santa Cruz. The first arrived the following year and from then until the nineteenth immigration colony settled in the current Okinawa. The 3,229 people present were from the Okinawa Prefecture of Japan. Asians had to deal with rain and disease, but his effort earned them to form a productive society.
is U.S. $ 1,666 million what Japan has worked in Bolivia since 1960 in several respects.
700 descendants of Japanese is the number of people living in three settlements in Okinawa, north of Santa Cruz.
85 thousand tonnes of grain per year is the processing power that is cooperative.
Aid is for various sectors, the Japanese government helps its immigrants with financial aid, which focuses on social welfare, education and agriculture.
Efficiency in crop production
Japanese culture is also seen in the work of the land. the descendants of work with attention to detail for optimum production.
We have to follow the example of our predecessors in terms of discipline with the land and agriculture. Caico is the fruit of them. Takehiro
Higa, President Caicos Islands, the Japanese colonization began in 1953 and early immigrants were not accustomed to the climate and way of production. Toshio Watanabe, Ambassador
AGENCY assistance offered by JICA Bolivia
THE YEAR 1978 ESTABLISHING Between Bolivia and Japan Technical Cooperation Agreement, framework on which to develop the form of technical assistance. Since 2008, the International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is responsible for implementing modalities of grant aid and concessional credits. JICA
RUN WITH THE GOVERNMENT, programs under the concept of "Human Security", which aims to ensure minimum living conditions for the population.
Link: http://www.eldia.com.bo/index.php?c=Portafolio&articulo=La-fuerza-del-agro-japones-en-Bolivia&cat=357&pla=3&id_articulo = 57399
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