Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Enhance productivity is the goal

Proagro Phase II also introduces the adaptation to climate change, an orientation to poverty reduction and sustainable agricultural development, where water is a means to reach the goal of enhancing productivity led to consumption and marketing. "In dry regions can not speak of permanent irrigation, but how to ensure that the harvest of their crops is a good crop," says the coordinator of Proagro, Thomas Heindrichs. With associations of producers with whom they worked, after having access to irrigation water, "have improved their incomes have increased dramatically," he says. In Cochabamba, For example, in small communities, families received technical assistance for improved potato seeds and for the type of soil, resulting in high productivity in their harvest. It also introduced the cultivation of flowers, appropriate to the place, to have an additional product to enhance their income. Have technical support INIAF (National Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Innovation), whose objective is to develop and improve self-management capabilities productive agricultural and forest of small and medium producers to help improve quality, productivity and competitiveness of agricultural production, livestock and forestry, through processes participatory, knowledge sharing and dissemination of technologies in harmony with nature "( Integrated Watershed Management becomes a key tool for improving the protection of natural resources, mainly water. This allows the implementation of reforestation and erosion protection in the upper basin, the participatory preparation and implementation of Integrated Management Plans Watershed and favor the agreement or consensus among different water users. However, they face challenges to intersectoral coordination of institutions involved in water management, the strengthening of the basin as territory in the regional and local planning and governance of the water basin level. The role of water user associations acquired a prominent role in advancing the objectives. Proagro team has 50 people, of which 30 technicians working in the selected regions. Coordinate watershed The Watershed Management component working in coordination with the Vice Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, to develop concepts of management and integrated water resources management for the formulation of sectoral policies. The local approach is a priority in the "Development can only work if people have the leadership, that they take ownership of the means, processes and its future, "said the coordinator of Proagro, Thomas Heindrichs. With regard to support production and marketing, emphasizes a local approach rather than to reach larger markets. The goal is to have food for their family, community and market their surplus products in surrounding communities, which also are far from major cities in the country. Food security is the key in the dry regions of the country, which constantly are facing drought, erratic rainfall, frost, pests and diseases. The Production and Marketing component in Phase II of Proagro seeks to improve the situation of income and food security small producers and land use practices that ensure the conservation of productive bases. Emphasis on gender, multiculturalism and conflict sensitivity. It also focuses on strengthening and fostering productive organizations marketing agreements. At this stage, support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) as cofinaciador is essential for the program Proagro. In the first phase was 30 municipalities, known as strategic partners to pursue the program. Now they are selecting new municipalities. Link:

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'work under the logic of rural development in times of climate change'

is Coordinator of the German Technical Cooperation Sustainable Agricultural Development Programme (Proagro). Since April 2008, and this year started with positive results Proagro the second phase, with a methodology with an emphasis on efficient water use to climate change. The partnership is extended and joined Sweden, making a total of six million euros a year to implement projects in the Chaco, northern Potosí and mesothermal valleys. - Is moving in this vision of sustainable development and climate change? - It could go much further. For example, on the issue of climate risk management in Peru there are good experiences, such as risks include climate change in public investment. You have to work much more on adaptation to climate change. - How to advance the objectives of Proagro in Bolivia? - I think the issue of autonomy has great potential. The challenges to the problems in rural areas should be resolved in this area. An autonomous system would be good to address climate change issues since each region is very different. Agricultural productivity can not push 100% from the national level, we must make room for this local level has the potential to do this. I that autonomy may be a good way to achieve rural development. - How many municipalities are working Proagro? - Those who call local strategic partners are about 30 municipalities. We are entering a second phase and selecting the municipalities (which work). We work in three regions: Chaco, northern Potosí and mesothermal valleys. The topics are water for agricultural production, watershed management and improving agricultural production and marketing, thinking about climate change adaptation. - What conditions? - Work in dry regions is the key factor. Our focus in the first phase was how to work in irrigation, infrastructure reached irrigation, watershed management and make good use of water for agricultural production development. The funding was 3.5 million per year. (Bilateral support from Germany). - What major achievements in the first phase? - Met additional 15,000 hectares under irrigation. 42,000 families have access to irrigation and a direct impact on earning 50% more than before. This strikes me as most impressive. - What is the challenge for the second phase that began this year? - We have had good results. We need to link national institutions to work together and that local successes are known nationally. Continue working under the motto and continue to learn and work more thoroughly on the issue of climate change adaptation. In this second phase is trilateral cooperation with Sweden is intervening with the same amount as Germany. We're almost doubling the budget (6 million per year) is very good but the challenge is bigger. - What kind of response given the local actor (peasant farmers) and the authorities? - No need to search for a claim, the municipalities want to cooperate with us. We are proud but we can not meet all demands and we emphasize on specific projects. I think we have a good relationship with local actors. Say sounds very passive beneficiaries. - What changes are introduced in this second phase? - Are changes in the thematic and methodological work under the logic of rural development in times of climate change. We no longer support expansion of irrigation infrastructure but in the most efficient use of water, with that in the future there will be so much water. Work on watershed management in protecting water sources. No one thinks about the increased profitability of production but the greatest strength of the production. Have greater diversity climate change challenge is organizarce (...) for receiving water. - Adapting to climate change becomes a pillar ... - What did these years, instinctively, was the right thing if we think about climate change. I think their approach to try now is a good response to face the challenges of the phenomenon. And we must start from the local government transmitting the success of these experiences. Link:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Bolivia includes indigenous discourse and the marginalization of the economy

Samuel Doria Medina, politician and businessman, evaluated the two years of implementation of the new Political Constitution of Bolivia in the forum called "The Dynamics of Economic Change and Constitutional Construction ", organized by the UN and International IDEA in Pretoria, South Africa, attended by representatives from over 40 countries.

ANF According to the report in his presentation, Doria Medina identified as a positive feature of the current CPE democratic vision extends to the Bolivian economy, recognizing it as plural, so you can not impose a form of property or production and although the text has misconceptions, represents in part the aspirations of more equality and better future for the majority of the population.

However, Doria Medina said that the mention of the rights of indigenous peoples in the CPE is not enough. "It takes a real inclusion through production and employment, prevent Doria Medina, denouncing the government uses in this sector as part of the speech, but that keeps it away from the changes in the economy, denying hope to have chance carried out, "he said.

To Doria Medina, the new constitution did not bring any breakthrough in the industrialization process. Bolivia remains dependent on commodity exports, even more than before the constitutional process. For this reason it is not creating jobs and there is a disenchantment with the government of Evo Morales.

"The so-called Gasolinazo, declared the last week of 2010, which attempted to increase the price of gasoline by more than 70%, revealed the government's carelessness, his little consideration of the effects that the poor suffer and the lack of economy, expressing also the failure of oil policy and affecting the fiscal health of the economy, "said Doria Medina. INVESTING

The Government is said to suffer the consequences of not respecting the property in the CPE and have imposed measures that go against economic rationality and even against the political sensitivity, which create uncertainty and therefore less investment and fewer jobs the Bolivian economy needs.

He cited Article 355 of the CPE indicates that investors are required to reinvest its profits in Bolivia, and the new Government is aware of the effects of some of these rules, drafted without regard to the objectives of the country, nor with the need to establish a production agreement to encourage job creation, investment and creating better living conditions for Bolivians.

warned that if the government does not amend his mistakes, Bolivian development will be compromised, it will generate more disappointment among the population and increase the country's problems.

One of the main themes of the Forum was the constitutional reform currently underway in Egypt. A list of recommendations on what not to do.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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President signed Law to encourage the production of quinoa potato production

ORURO that in recent years has grown substantially in the demand for quinoa in the world market, mainly in Europe and Asia, where it is needed because it is one of the best food in the world, according to a report from the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

however regretted that no greater demand on the domestic market, perhaps as in the past when quinoa was scorned as indigenous-peasant movement. "

said that once the law was enacted, it is important for producers to participate in its regulation for the implementation of the Act and achieving a sustained output growth.

The president noted that the agenda includes approval of funding of $ 10 million to make loans to small, medium and large producers of quinoa, primarily in the departments of La Paz, Oruro and Potosi.

"Once approved, the law is an obligation for producers to organize themselves into community enterprises to provide greater added value and volume of quinoa production that is demanded in the world," he said.

out that the producers have increased their areas of cultivation of quinoa in the Bolivian altiplano. "I was crossing the stretch between the towns of Caihuasi and there Straining important crops of this product, "he said.

The Head of State explained that the credits will have various levels of concession. In this way small producers can access up to 21,000 Bolivians, medium to 70,000 large and 350,000 Bolivians and consolidated partnerships between 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 million Bolivians.

urged farmers to form associations to enable them to develop value-added quinoa to enter more strongly to foreign markets.

Link: http://

Monday, March 21, 2011

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The varieties produced in the country, being commercial (easy to peel and ideal for French fries) are the Huaycha La Paz and Desiree, both belong to the species: tuberosum spp andigena. The
National Agricultural Survey 2008 reports that the annual potato production in the country reaches 935,852 MT in an area of \u200b\u200b197.8407 hectares, with an overall average yield of 5,216 kg per hectare

regard, the executive director INIAF, Erick Murillo says that the yield of potato in the country is relatively low. "We use the center of the potato, which means that we have controlled nearly 3,400 accessions (potato which differs from the other morphologically but genetically and can be collected from different parts of the country). These represent our genetic diversity, in all only 30 are in use by producers. "
He added that there

tubers produced in very cold areas, in areas mean temperature in the tropics. "These are varieties that produce less than average, but also are ensuring that we produce in different ecosystems."

To achieve this, in late 2008 and the birth of INIAF began the first phase of a research project and technical assistance in the use of high quality seeds covering nine food items and, according to Murillo, provide greater productivity from 2012 to over 3,000 producers in the country. The initiative, during the two years of implementation, entity sued the investment of more than Bs 140 million. Murillo

details that training in cleaning and selection of existing native varieties producing areas under irrigation is carried out by zone. "We are working in the valleys of Cochabamba, Tarija, Chuquisaca, Potosí and Santa Cruz."

Cooperation. Murillo emphasizes support seed production in the last 27 years the Kingdom of Denmark, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Dutch and the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA ) in the area of \u200b\u200bgermplasm resources received World Bank.

For the SDC, National Programme Officer, Marcelo Collao, indicates that for almost 16 years joined forces with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, seed producers and other organizations and invested U.S. $ 14 million in various projects. In the for the improvement of potato production, supported with infrastructure, equipment and training. "In some crop production depends on the seed and in the case of the potato represents 30 or 40% of the total production cost. We come from July 2010 to train technicians in the National Seed Program (NSP), to perform the certification of seed they use on their crops. "

The expert refers to the process that ensures that the seed is free of disease and expect high genetic quality and excellent technological level. This culminates with the registration of the variety in the PNS, which currently does not even reach 10% of potato production. "The process that ensures greater production and performance is costly, therefore, 90% work with traditional, rustic seed preferred because it adapts to various climates," he explains. Collao

recalls that until two years ago, the domestic market is supplied with its own production under this system, but must now be accompanied by funding, technology and market access, by the producer and public and private actors.

"Productivity depends on incentive policies," he adds.

tuber sell

INIAF According to the data, total production of potatoes, a million tubers of Solanum tuberosum are exported annually to Brazil and so far this year, 2,642 were imported. 505 kg from Peru and the Netherlands, with a value of U.S. $ 88,809.


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wage increase would cause price rise products

"to be seen what impact the wage increase, compared to rising prices of the basket and wait for the data to be leaving in March and thus we will be able to evaluate" he said. While prices of staple products, maintain their standards, these are high and not lowered since the adoption of Supreme Decree 748 so-called "gasolinazo."
Six months ago, the sugar shortage was almost universal in different markets across the country, which caused an inflationary growth in the cup. However, this product can now be found in the different supply stores, but continues with the high prices.
A month ago, the Government at a meeting with the producers of sugar, said that the price shall be adjusted to costs for seven months ago, which means Bs 2 per pound to about Bs 150 per quintal.

For this reason, the analyst reported another factor that could generate the staples go up in price, will the salary increase, as the largest producers of these inputs do not have the ability to increase wages.

"With all the changes and what has worked in the price index for the community, is a deep mistrust of many people between what is said and what they say INE markets showing the difference, then a way to go to solve, is that the INE convene employers, workers, among others, to see if we are measuring inflation well, so there are no more distrust, "said the analyst.


INE He argued that the country should do what other countries do, for example, that the INE has a group to represent each of the sectors, so that those directories can be collective slowly regaining confidence in the information.

"What we have to do is save the INE, save our statistics, because data that is not true is like being in a dark room," he says.


The rising price of staples in the markets for slaughter between 30 and 50% more than a few weeks ago led the protests.

few weeks ago after a wave of protests by local committees of La Paz, Oruro union, national teachers and others, took to the streets in protest against the government and rising prices. About
basket products, such as beef and chicken, the government announced it would lower the market price of 12 and Bs 12.50 Bs, but now is between 14.50 and Bs Bs 16 kilo.

The same goes for potatoes, which before it could be found even in the @ 39 Bs, now it is between 45 and 50 Bs. RICE

On the other hand, the Ministry of Production and Economics Plural reported to be reintroduced to buy rice to Beneficiaries of the Enterprise Support Food Production (EMAP) to $ 45 per bushel.

"Accepting the request of the leaders of rice producers will reset the purchase of grain to beneficiaries who are part of the 'Program to Support Rice Production' of Emapa. The purchase price is $ 45 per bushel, "said a statement from the state portfolio.
For this crop year are projected to obtain an output of 350,000 tons of at least 40 000 families engaged in this field.

However, an announcement by the Bolivian Institute of Foreign Trade (IBCE) indicates that production of this input will have a remarkably low because they were affected by climate change, which affected production.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

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The strength of Japanese agriculture in Bolivia

A sample of their development. In the worst moment for the country Japan, the U.S. embassy in Bolivia presented the project of refraction of San Alonso Education Center and a tour of the colony Okinawa, located 78 kilometers from the city of Santa Cruz, where he showed the work done the social and productive. This support comes through the International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which the country has invested a lot of money. "From 1960 until last year Japan has collaborated with $ 1,666,000 in respect to education, health, construction of a hospital, funding for rail, opening of schools, water supply, irrigation and roads, "said Toshio Watanabe, Japan's ambassador in Bolivia. He added that the collaboration is done on a project basis and do not have a figure set. in 2009 spent $ 34 million and in 2010 the amount rose to 47 million.
"At the Embassy we are studying the possibility of investing in projects water, irrigation and education, "the diplomat said.

The agro. In regard to the productive part, immigrants had the vision to create a cooperative, which now is an example of work and development. This is the Integral Colonias Okinawa Agricultural Cooperative (CAIC), which receives approximately 85 thousand tons of grain from rice, wheat, sorghum, corn and soybeans. 85 percent of this amount corresponds to the grain of gold, which officials said Caico, "is the product of the area." Caico
38-year period and was created to assist in the following farming knowledge and technologies of Japan's culture.
In its feed mill will process about 240 tons of soybeans per day working 24 hours. Is bagged in sacks of 50 kilos and sold ton $ 500.
output generated by the colonies is about 30 thousand hectares of crops, which supplies the plant Caico. In addition, 65 percent of its production is exported to Peru and the rest is for the domestic market.
The cooperative assistance in regard to technology transfer to farmers.
Moreover, Caico also produces cheese and works with 6000 liters of milk per day, takes about 500 kilos of cheese. This is distributed throughout the country and as part of their production also worked with the brand Okimilk, but then stopped. According Takehiro Higashi, president of Caico, EXPIRATION the short time the product is a limitation. "Going out for milk and we have a day to take to Santa Cruz, then you have to distribute milk and even that is useless. Then we have to improve that, "he said.
"This is the work of our parents who are the pioneers and has been gradually consolidating. I think that we are providing enough food in the country. We have to follow the example of our predecessors in regard to discipline land and agriculture, "said Higa.

Caico. Since its foundation the main activities carried out by the cooperative, have been the support and increased agricultural production and industrialization of various products such as cereal grains, soybeans and integrated feed, among others.
By installing the battery plant and grain storage silos, the installation of a machine off and other projects that have helped to diversify commodity prices and thus improve the cooperative has achieved better economic welfare of its members. Efforts Caico partners in the production of wheat have been recognized by national authorities, thus by a ministerial decision in 2002 declared the Colonia Okinawa as "wheat capital of Bolivia." However, today this crop is produced by little, because Soy has gained more preferably it is the only grain that has national government approval for use in transgenic variety resistant to pests and climatic conditions.

Immigration. In 1953 the national government gave to Japanese immigrants an area of \u200b\u200b10 hectares in Santa Cruz. The first arrived the following year and from then until the nineteenth immigration colony settled in the current Okinawa. The 3,229 people present were from the Okinawa Prefecture of Japan. Asians had to deal with rain and disease, but his effort earned them to form a productive society.

is U.S. $ 1,666 million what Japan has worked in Bolivia since 1960 in several respects.

700 descendants of Japanese is the number of people living in three settlements in Okinawa, north of Santa Cruz.

85 thousand tonnes of grain per year is the processing power that is cooperative.

Aid is for various sectors, the Japanese government helps its immigrants with financial aid, which focuses on social welfare, education and agriculture.

Efficiency in crop production
Japanese culture is also seen in the work of the land. the descendants of work with attention to detail for optimum production.

We have to follow the example of our predecessors in terms of discipline with the land and agriculture. Caico is the fruit of them. Takehiro

Higa, President Caicos Islands, the Japanese colonization began in 1953 and early immigrants were not accustomed to the climate and way of production. Toshio Watanabe, Ambassador

AGENCY assistance offered by JICA Bolivia

THE YEAR 1978 ESTABLISHING Between Bolivia and Japan Technical Cooperation Agreement, framework on which to develop the form of technical assistance. Since 2008, the International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is responsible for implementing modalities of grant aid and concessional credits. JICA

RUN WITH THE GOVERNMENT, programs under the concept of "Human Security", which aims to ensure minimum living conditions for the population.

Link: = 57399

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With the harvest, production will rise GUABIRA 20%

"GUABIRA will increase, hopefully, to 3 million bushels. However, we are helping quite the sugar sector with advances in planting cane, "said Aguilera. GUABIRA According to the forecast, this production will ensure the supply of sugar in the domestic market and the kilo could be sold in six Bolivians. However, this price has not been formalized.
On the shortage of sugar in it management, Aguilera said he discussed the possibility of advancing the Cane sugar production is not ripe. "The decisive factor is the shortage of sugar in the market is overpriced on the market. That would be the biggest rush, "he said.

2012, and forecasts are being taken to ensure the supply of sugar through economic incentives and the introduction of machinery and drainage channels, advanced Aguilera.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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EAC and the Executive intend to continue with the production plan

"If we are to address this problem we must dialogue with local and central authorities. It should provide legal security progress in sanitation. There should be no threats of expropriation, instead you should have a positive message, "said Roda. turn, Romero noted that the agenda raised by the farm will be addressed point by point, they are open to dialogue to address the issue of access to credit, the progress of sanitation and use of GMOs.
For its part, the outgoing president, Mauricio Roca, who stressed the soundness of the institution, said it has an endowment of U.S. $ 11.5 million in its management, FEXPOCRUZ grew by 450% .
argued that it is time to promote a productive break through a solid state policy articulated to ensure domestic supply and promote export surpluses, decent and democratic exchange. "The difficult years will become more and more in a row, this is the first compelling reason to affirm the need for state policy toward production," he said.
Ruben Costas, governor of Santa Cruz, said the work of the CAO and said it is important to seize this chance to Bolivia to climb on the bandwagon of progress.
The event was awarded the medal of merit agricultural FEGASACRUZ Joseph Tomasi and the Medal of Merit and institutional record. Improve productivity with government support Carlos Foronda Master in Economics
I'm not sure that economic and productive situation of the country go so wrong, one because with all the problems we have Japan, they will begin to demand more raw materials, same thing happened with the problems of Chile, since this country began to demand more concrete and agricultural inputs to rebuild its economy.
addition, the FAO report noted that prices of products but will not fall, will stabilize. If there will be inflation in the country this will not be as rapid as that of the previous year.
What should the Eastern Agricultural Chamber is work harder and improve productivity, but with government support. The government must give legal certainty to create the necessary conditions for development, respect the institutions and maintain expeditious ways.


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Corn traded

President of Producers of Corn and Sorghum (Promasor), Vicente Gutierrez, confirmed yesterday that the request Credit was given for 15 days to formally National Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Innovation (INIAF) under the Ministry of Rural Development and Land. explained that the fund will benefit about 3 000 small and medium producers who face serious difficulties in addressing all the logistics that represent two simultaneous processes: the summer harvest, which started these days, and winter planting.

"This is a revolving fund that will address two major tasks: one, the production of seeds and other varieties, the purchase of all domestic production of resistant seed," Gutierrez said.

explained that last year, many producers guild members could not plant corn because the seed of the variety chiriguano and Cuba, which had a cost of $ 10 per hectare, disappeared from the market and those who were encouraged to plant had to do hybrid seeds (genetically improved) at a cost of $ 100 per hectare average. producers pay the loan with the sale (at a price of 90 bolivianos per quintal) of the total production of maize in the winter crop, scheduled for late October.

Support Farmers in Cochabamba support the approach of maize producers and sorghum to access the revolving fund. The chairman of the Department of Poultry Farmers Association (ADA), Willy Soria, said that small farmers need a credit program similar to that offered to the sugar sector to ensure national maize production.

"So far, the Government has imported about 37,500 tonnes of maize to be imported twice this month (70 tons) when all the resources it could have been invested in recovering the national maize production," he said.

are asked to discuss the use of transgenic
Despite legal restrictions in Bolivia for the importation of products GMOs intended for agriculture, they are consumed, said Promasor president, Vicente Gutierrez, adding that corn farmers are calling for a frank debate on the subject.

"We have opened the door to the use of transgenic and now need to analyze whether or not its production, economic impact, social impact and environmental impact. We must analyze all the variables, because although we are consuming (GM products) is a cyclical issue, hopefully for a short time, "he said in an interview to the weekly Santa Cruz Agronomy.

Gutierrez said the use of transgenic seeds, although more expensive, improved grain production in Bolivia. Without these, the producers take two tons of corn per acre and improved transgenic seeds, reaching more than four tons.


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production credit to improve production agriculture will be better than in 2010

Under the new executive, the summer campaign showed better results than the previous year and anticipated a good scenario for the support pledged by the government to producers. "Not enough, but it is a way to alleviate the problems." "I think this year he announced-(agricultural production) will be better than the last. The Government found that producers need help and we have seen with good eyes the issue of agricultural insurance. It is a good mechanism yet to be implemented and even must be corrected, but is seen as a good sign. "
For his part, Deputy Minister of Rural Development, Víctor Hugo Vásquez, said that although there was a prolonged drought, there will be enough corn product chosen as a priority for their harvest. In the case of the sugar sector, "he said, which is supported with loans to increase production of cane sugar and therefore," all this will resolve the issue of food security, and by supporting the productive sector avoid the problems of last year. "

PRIORITIES. Roda said a priority in his term as executive of the CAO is to ensure legal certainty for producers to have confidence and ensure food security in the country. Another objective is to facilitate the use of transgenics, because they help save production costs, fuel and expand the fields. "The government imported GM maize and are consuming."

DIALOGUE. The new representative of the CAO promised dialogue between the Executive and agribusiness. "We are working with the Government and we must continue, because it is the only way to reach a food self-sufficiency and independent," Rhodes concluded.

Legal uncertainty is the obstacle

The lack of legal certainty is an issue that concerns the president of the Eastern Agricultural Chamber (CAO), Julio Roda, due to the constant threat of land expropriation.

"The producers, he argued, have worked hard to get where they are, but when there is a threat to take away their land, there is the fear among producers that want to invest in crops. These are issues that affect the legal security and food sovereignty in the country. "

warned that it threatens not allow people to proceed legally and came from different neighboring countries to invest their capital and create jobs.

Expropriation of land is a disincentive to private production, but that does not mean that we will meet people who have obtained land illegally, he said.

6 varieties soy will be presented on display

Exposoya In 2011, six new varieties present golden grain. There will also be a sign of technological advances for cultivation. The event, which will be held on 19 and 20 March, is organized by the Association of Oilseed and Wheat Producers (ANAP).

sixteenth version covering a greater area of \u200b\u200bexposure is held at the Experimental Center of Anapa, located at kilometer 79 of the road to Trinidad, in the municipality of Cuatro Cañadas, as ANF. Exposoya is a technological success for farmers, showing crops and technology advances. In this version include more than 60 exhibitors industrial, commercial firms and research centers, according Anapo.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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$ 100 million Government will allocate irrigation projects throughout the country

"On the 12th of March at eight o'clock we will receive the Chuquisaca department projects, we receive projects for review concerned. As reported projects should not spend the $ 300 000, "said Morales. On Monday March 14 Morales will receive the representatives of the department of Tarija, on Wednesday, March 16 Cochabamba will meet on Friday 18 with representatives of Beni, on Monday, March 21 will meet with the authorities of Potosi, Tuesday 22 March in Oruro, on Thursday, March 24 in the department of Pando, on Saturday March 23 in Santa Cruz and 29 March in La Paz.
"may be a project, two projects, three projects, some mayors and former mayors have experience in presenting projects for irrigation of 30, 40, 50 000 dollars and thus reach the largest population, with the Bolivia program changes have beautiful experiences. "

State President said that much depends on the mayors to submit projects, so projects must be formulated with the participation of irrigators, the peasant movement, indigenous, native and all social forces and associations they have to do with the subject of production.

the middle of next month we will start disbursing the award of the implementation of projects spent by mayors. "


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BDP Credit will benefit more than 800 cane growers

cane producers UNAGRO wit are those with more advanced procedures of access to credit, said yesterday the CEO of BDP, Ana Veronica Ramos.
Initially, "I think we will be able to reach (with credit) to 800 or 1,000 producers (...). cane These resources can grow according to how you respond to this sector, notably as regards the payment of its debts, "he said.

According to the strategic guidelines of the first phase of the program, funding may be obtained by producers that the sector should be aimed at the renovation and expansion of cane or the purchase of agricultural machinery "that will contribute to food security."
Capital. The capital investment offered by the BDP to the sugar sector will be given to an annual rate of 6% with a payment period of up to three years in the case renewal of hectares, and up to seven years for the purchase of machinery.

Among the requirements that are required for access to credit are guarantees and work experience in the sector, among others. In the case of credit associations, "ideally, cane growers have the support of their wits," said Ramos.

also requests a comprehensive proposal for the objectives and requirements of the mill production for the "one-time credit to be distributed" among all stakeholders, he said.

For individual loans added, ask your certificate subject's productive activity, personal guarantees and a work plan describing the manner in which it will use the resources provided. "We checked through the Bank-Union-that all applications meet the requirements," he said.

On Wednesday, Morales said that 50% of the producers of corn, rice and soybean production loans were demanding that the Government will condone their debts. In this regard, Ramos said the BDP initiate "legal collection processes that fall within these services." Through these initiatives, the government seeks to achieve food sovereignty of the country and diversification in the export of sugar and corn.

25 groups paid no credit

The general manager of the Productive Development Bank, Ana Ramos, reported that at least "25 associations of food producers do not pay their debts" credit. "The association and individual loans, from 500 to 1,000 growers did not pay," he said.
allocated U.S. $ 69 MM to production

By expanding the delivery of production loans to ensure national food security, The BDP increased its portfolio this year in this area in about U.S. $ 69 million. This was reported to the reason the general manager of De-velopment Bank Productive (BDP), Ana Ramos, a time to clarify that the entity closed 2010 with a portfolio of U.S. $ 131 million.

"In the past three years, 2010 has been the best in terms of deposits in the productive sector. We have grown by 32% compared to our portfolio of 2009. This year we want to reach U.S. $ 200 million in food safety issues, "he said.

addition to the support offered to producers of sugar cane, quinoa and exporters of textiles, The BDP will work this year on loan products that increase production of rice, corn, vegetables, potatoes and livestock, he said.
In the previous administration, "we had over 30,000 customers around the country and the arrears reached 7% of all it means the Development Bank's portfolio," said General Manager of BDP.


Monday, March 14, 2011

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Financing 2.1 million for food production

The government will this year 2.1 million Bolivians to increase food production. These resources reach farmers through loans and grants.
Rural Development Deputy Minister, Victor Hugo Vasquez said in an interview with state media that the resources committed from the General Treasury of the Nation and loans that the government is getting from neighbors. explained that 84 million Bolivians were ready for quinoa producers to expand acreage, 140 million Bolivians to cane growers to renew their cane fields, 1,000 million Bolivians will be transferred to different areas sunk producer , 700 thousand Bolivians to project financing facility irrigation systems.
addition of 245 million Bolivians in the form of credit came from Brazil to the country transformed into tractors.

In this regard, Vasquez recalled that between 2001 and 2006 were delivered just over 100 tractors, but until 2010 it was able to distribute 1,100. For this effort, 600 tractors available to be distributed through loans with a term of ten years, a down payment of 10% and 6% interest.

requirements individuals can do as well as municipalities or associations of producers as was customary.

He said that along with the delivery of resources are available a system for monitoring the use of funding to ensure you have the correct usage.

Vasquez announced that the lack of food imports will be covered as with corn, but not be achieved to meet the demand in full. Tractors

The Government has 500 requests for access to a tractor on credit. Analyzed. Investment
The mayors have only 5% of their production budgets. Water
late March to pick up projects.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Launch credit program for sugar producers in the country

"Productive Development Bank launches Cañero Sector Credit Program, in order to support agricultural activities on this occasion directed the sugar sector," said an institutional newsletter. The paper explains that the program is intended to finance the renovation and expansion of sugarcane plantations, in addition to the purchase of agricultural machinery sector. It states that
the BDP has provided a total of 140,000,000 of Bolivians to run the program.

components of the program are the renovation and expansion of cane, credits will be channeled by the Union of vessels and the purchase of agricultural machinery, funding will be provided directly to producers.

"In any case, debt finance (purchase of portfolio) to the financial system and providers," says the press release.

As financial conditions set an interest rate of 6% per annum and a maturity of up to 7 years.

The program will be administered by the Union Bank Ltd. Santa Cruz City and its agencies spread throughout the department.

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Bolivia: 64 000 families producce

That's what determined the new Act 680 which was approved by the full House of Representatives, a provision which declares a national priority the production, processing and marketing of quinoa in regions of the country and promotes the benefits of this sector agricultural technical support to modernize the harvest of the "grain of gold." "Quinoa is a grain native and from today on the productive sector of the food takes a quantum leap with the declaration of national priority that will benefit directly to producing departments of Oruro, Potosi and northern La Paz , becoming a pole of economic development for the sector, "said Rep. Oruro, Freddy Huayta, the governing Movement Towards Socialism (MAS).
said the law will allow the development of a record to expand the productive base of quinoa, so that the Executive pledged funding of 84 million Bolivians Bs for the production of quinoa.

explained that contribute to the production of quinoa by the automation with the protection of wire fences in areas of crop improvement and conservation of rentica quality "in situ", well drilling for irrigation, improved crop processing, manufacturing and marketing of the product and market products in the local, national and foreign.

ANAPQUI indicated that the proposed enactment of the law, led by President Evo Morales, is made in one of the quinoa producing regions, due to the importance of the rule that will protect the sector.

The law also provides that the Executive Branch, through the Ministries of Rural Development, Environment and Production Development, in coordination with states and municipalities will be responsible for managing the financial resources to comply with the standard.


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quinoa revert one million ha of land to ensure food

This was confirmed by the Deputy Minister of Lands, José Manuel Pinto, by specifying "quantified close to one million hectares illegal to produce food for the foreigners and not for the country." The authority explained that much of the area identified, to which he described as illegal by the improper way in which it was acquired, is held by Brazilian citizens and Mennonites, who produce food for export.
"The priority is occurring in the country for Bolivian and if a surplus is intended for export," he said. Also

said that in Bolivia there are rules to meet to access a site. The State Constitution (CPE) in Article 396 states that "foreigners can acquire title under any state land." The authority said that she was aware of improper transfers of land.

Foreigners are settled in the provinces of Carmen Rivero Torres, Velasco, Chiquitos and Busch Germain part of the department of Santa Cruz.

The illegal million hectares representing 20% \u200b\u200bof the total land that is subject to some type of production, which totals 5.5 million hectares. At present the land for agriculture and livestock comes to 2.7 million hectares.

mid-December was made in the country the lack of some foods, including sugar and maize yellow. The Government faced the situation with the import of both products. Also, the rising cost of other meats, milk and dairy products.

According to the agro-export restrictions, including some ways, helped to reduce production, which is expected to be regularized after the next harvest.

Under this sector, Bolivia has 15 million hectares available for production for Pinto which is false and the only data points to achieve legalization of illegal purchases. Some data

The country has 5.5 million hectares are under production or any human intervention. Food

The land for agricultural and livestock production are 2.7 million hectares. Illegal

One million hectares are illegal and are in the hands of foreigners, mostly Brazilian and Mennonites.

Enlargement The government identified 20,000 hectares for the expansion of the agricultural frontier, as employers, 15 million of properties that can meet that goal. Problem

country faces food crisis.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

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FAO warns of food price index reached the highest level of the last two decades

The report notes that in February there was a new cap on the price of food in the past eight months. added that the FAO index of food prices reached 236 points for over 231 points reached in January.
is the "highest level since it began measuring the FAO food prices in 1990," the report said.

emphasizes that with the exception of sugar, all other products increased their prices in February on the international market, "especially dairy products and cereals." Nr

- President Evo Morales has repeated warned about the consequences caused by the change and global warming as a result of the irrational policies of industrialization to carry forward some developed nations.

He noted that it is no accident that exacerbates droughts, floods and other disasters in the world, once that nature is attacked by commercialism industrialist.

why the Head of State called upon the international community to join efforts in defense of life, nature and Mother Earth.

"It's more important to defend the rights of Mother Earth that human rights themselves, because if there is no planet there is no humanity, no life," he said.

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IICA warning on increased food prices

"Those countries Latin American and Caribbean countries that are net food importers must redouble efforts to improve productivity and mitigate the impacts of climate change, "said the Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Victor M. Villalobos, in a report to the Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas on the rise in prices of important commodities. The Director General of IICA, Victor M. Villalobos said the need to take action to address the growing climate variability that contributes to the volatility of prices and for adaptation to climate change impacts. At present, there uncertainty in global markets, volatility in grain prices, and concerns have resurfaced social impacts that may have this situation, there is still no consensus on whether this is a new food crisis or is the same, 2007 -2008 has reappeared, after an impasse.
The biggest challenge lies with the importing countries are becoming more expensive products, which include tropical products like coffee, cocoa and sugar, milk and meat, that the crisis of 2007-2008 were not affected, and mainly to their lower-income populations. Against this background

complex, IICA a need to make an effort to increase levels of investment in technology and agricultural innovation in order to improve yields and increase global food supply to meet demand to double by 2050.

also stresses the need to take action to address the growing climate variability that contributes to the volatility of prices and for adaptation to climate change impacts.

"Some other actions require a regionally coordinated effort to improve availability and access to timely information, coordinate reservations for products, especially cereals, as well as improve the performance and transparency of the markets, "said Villalobos.

In August 2010, the Institute released a report that warned of instability in world wheat markets due to problems experienced by Russia. In early 2011, the news confirmed rises higher and more widespread than those of 2007-2008, which are accelerating the rate of food inflation, impacting governance in African and Asian countries and reviving concerns about food safety.

Forecasts for the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) indicate that prices continue to rise, while the World Bank expected that the situation will be less severe as there has been a greater global supply of wheat, maize and rice than it had in 2007-2008.

There are also some differences with the crisis of 2007-2008, as a larger stock of major commodities and, at present, has not increased the price of rice.

However, other factors such as growth in global food demand, rising oil prices, the concentration of production and exports of major agricultural products, climate instability, restrictive trade policies and speculation price-generated alert to a possible food crisis and a call for immediate action.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Bolivia: agricultural country without agrarian policy

can say that the suggested solution formulas, under no circumstances touch the heart of the matter. It is, therefore, proposals for fans who do not solve the problem but aggravating. It is unknown what production is not a technical problem, much less, as proposed by officials and fans. It is a matter of law and, even more, is a political issue. In this sense, the basic solutions are no dams, seeds and tractors, are in legal and even constitutional provisions, that is where the problem originates current lack of food production. It should be understood in that sense, the agricultural law is the concentrated expression of economics and without the existence of adequate legal provisions to the agrarian situation in the country, agriculture still foundering, as this very eyes.
should emphasize that decisions on agricultural law depend on political decisions, without which those they can not dictate. Therefore, we must also add that agricultural policy decisions are the concentrated expression of economics and agricultural law. In this manner, if in the care of food security is not taken into account these aspects, which are the essence of the matter, nothing will be advanced.

The solution to the critical food shortages in Bolivia does not originate both factors of international origin or climatic factors, but the disruption of our agriculture in general. Under other constitutional provisions and laws, Bolivian agriculture produce enough for domestic consumption and even surplus for export there. However, now we import sugar, rice, wheat, oil, vegetables, potatoes, fruit and canned goods. 70 percent of the fruit market is foreign. It is therefore essential that the short term, the government gives a blow rudder to its agricultural policy and look for suitable items to end this stage that there is no sovereignty and food security. We say this time.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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government subsidize corn for poultry with 42.4 mm

director Bolivia (IB), Oscar Sandy, reported that the sale of grain be held in Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca and Tarija, but will start today in the capital Santa Cruz at a price of Bs 90 a quintal of 46 kilos. "Nine days ago the corn started coming to Santa Cruz via Yacuiba, Matarani and Puerto Aguirre. We are importing 37,500 tons of Bs 142 per quintal and we will sell at Bs 90. There will be a strong grant for this purchase, "he said. According to calculation, the difference will have to cover the Government for selling the entire lot of grain will be of Bs 42.4 million ($ U.S. 6.03 million). Scarcity. The shortage of this product in recent months prompted the suspension of production of small poultry enterprises and the increase in the price of chicken meat. The kilo is reached to sell even in respect 19.Al \u200b\u200bBs, Sandy said that the subsidy to the purchase of the input should reduce the price of a kilo of chicken between 12.50 and Bs Bs 13.

"We have met with poultry and dairy farmers. Through their associations, they should send lists of their members, what they produce and the amount of grain they require. Based on that information will be made a calculation to see how much to give, "he said.
In December, the industry warned that poultry farmer in the first three months of this year there would be shortages beef and chicken in a corn shortage in the market.
President of the Association of Poultry Farmers of Cochabamba, Willy Soria, reported yesterday that newly received in the afternoon, the purchase agreement and documentation for its more than 100 members access this benefit.
Previously, poultry farmers were holding a meeting with government officials and hoped to finish filling the control cards for the purchase of maize. On 25 February, the National Oilseeds and Wheat Producers (ANAP) said through its president, Demetrio Perez, grain production "will be a deficit" this year as happened in the past administration. The severe drought that hit the country last year and lack of incentives were part of the reason. "We hope this year to plant over 90,000 hectares, which represents about 36,000 tons (maize). However, this amount is not sufficient because domestic demand exceeds 77,000 tons per year. We are still in deficit and the remainder of the claim must be covered with imports, "said Pérez.Seguridad jurídicaGabriel Dabdoub, president of the Federation of Employers of Santa Cruz, requested the Government to create a climate of certainty in the land. Industry Leather is supported by Japan The Japanese government granted the Bs country to import 2.1 million for 81.5 tonnes (t) adhesives (clefa and PVC) for sale at a fair price to small and micro enterprises (SMEs) producing leather goods. The state supplies
Bolivia (IB) market clefa tin of 14 kg to 92 Bs 388 and Bs can of three kilos, while the PVC can be delivered 14 kilos of Bs 337. In both cases, prices "are preferred" and are between 10 and 15% below prices prevailing in the domestic market, said the director of IB, Oscar Sandy.
The objective of Japan's cooperation is that " small leather producers to increase production volume and start the export process (of them), "the Japanese Ambassador to Bolivia, Toshio Watanabe.
Because they are controlled substances, employers should submit requirements as the affidavit of his enterprise, sketch the location of the production unit, identity card and purchase a permit issued by the Directorate General of Controlled Substances from the Ministry of Government Input points Bolivia.
