Thursday, December 31, 2009
Mum Said I Needed To Wear A Girdle
leave the list of 10 most-read notes started the year in March, which will not necessarily be the most remembered. In total, with this note, there are 137 articles published even though the counter of the site (in the archive section on the left) has four fewer and hides the missing in the month of November. There are also five or six notes - most of thematic satellite - which were published and then raised only because they seemed confused. I hope that the production this year has been interesting or useful. Moreover, I wish you a great happy new year to all!
1. "Hello Telcos?: Who said that Telmex does not offer triple play in Mexico?
2. "Hello Telcos?: Telmex Argentina commitment to GPON
3. "Telcos Hello?: DirecTV bought spectrum for WiMAX at 3.5 GHz?
4. "Telcos Hello?: Telmex took the focus for WiMAX and now his priority is the HFC
5." Telcos Hello?: What beer have to do with phones?
6. "Hello Telcos?: Dual SIM SIM Multi kills
7. "Hello Telcos?: Football equivalent of between 6% - 10.5% of cable subscription
8. "Hello Telcos?: The auction of mobile spectrum of Argentina looks to enter new entrants
9. "Hello Telcos?: Digital TV: The State and claimed his third of the spectrum
10. "Hello Telcos?: A specter is haunting the Argentina
Monday, December 28, 2009
Mera Naam Joker Rishi Kapoor Hot Sins
Yegor Ivanov, vice president of Yota International, said last week in Nicaragua that his company negotiates an agreement with Cablevision of Argentina to deploy WiMAX networks in the country ( here and here.)
The entry into any country depends largely on the availability of frequency, and in some countries we can not find this frequency because it is occupied by other players who also have ambitions to do the same, eg the case of Argentina with Cablevision. Now our team has in mind potential 75 countries where we are more than welcome. At this time, members of my team are in Argentina talking with Cablevision. Yota sometimes can not be the majority shareholder, and sometimes a minor role only, but we want to gain knowledge and experience. I think we have the best prices on the market
Yegor Ivanov, Tyn raised
little problem. The details given by Ivanov are few: Cablevision would bring the band spectrum and what follows, the pay TV operator would be the majority shareholder Clarín. It should be noted that the frequency band used worldwide Yota is the 2.5 GHz and there turns about, is a company that seeks to replicate on a global scale the business model - at least at the network level - started in Russia. In the same vein, Yota require spectrum in Buenos Aires, in a second, moving towards the interior. "Cablevision has that spectrum?
Bands. In Argentina, the spectrum has been used historically to provide on MMDS pay TV remains an option that has been relegated - worldwide - as the progress of the pay TV cable networks and, especially, the DTH. However, in 1999, the 2.5 GHz band in the Capital area Federal and 180 miles was reassigned to the provision of bidirectional data. Obviously, this is the resource that would interest Yota for a WiMAX deployment.
Candidate. However, among the few blocks allocated in that position spectral licensee company is not listed as one linked to the Clarín Group. However, it is common knowledge that the U.S. company Nextwave said to have 42 MHz in the band and wants to get rid of them, as mentioned balance religiously every three months. In fact, in early 2009, the company aired - unwisely - that looked "rent" their appeal to the local subsidiary of Telmex, operation failed.
Hypothesis. Nextwave might think that now we "rent out" the bands in question to Cablevision to turn, ride a Yota society. If the move were that it would be for other risky because the spectrum at issue changed hands several times in the last decade without the Secom has been notified once. Not to mention that, for example, WebSky, Nextwave's predecessor, had serious problems with the U.S. SEC by the sudden development of your action based on exaggerated growth forecasts in Argentina ( illegal move made by third ) . In other words, the bands of Nextwave come "loose papers" and the government in its war with Clarin, could easily revoke the rights and well provided for "rent" the bands, if that were the case.
PS: Available ( here ) Yota a good profile, a company which in 2009 became world famous for having a model of WiMAX "if it works" which is not little. It is worth noting that the company has focused on providing high capacity access for which has deployed a large number of base stations and own fiber backbone. In turn, has a policy of unlimited downloads, which is a differential in that market. Of thereby offset the price of fertilizer more expensive compared to competition wired options.
PD2: Cablevision looks for a while the incorporation of WiMAX technology to increase its network coverage in view of multiple threats: 1) the strong increase in the number of 3G mobile Internet access, compared to that does not have an option technology to contrast and 2) the tremendous progress in the Telecentre network coverage in the Federal Capital. Although WiMAX does not look like a stable option for pay TV stand, therefore, triple play services, it must be noted that Yota has a solution to access on-demand video services. It should be noted, moreover, has already begun Yota Russia tests with mobile WiMAX.
PD 3: Available ( here ) on the balance of the 2.5 GHz band in Argentina, which has greater detail the change of hands by those who passed the 42 MHz Nextwave.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Fifth Wheel For Ridgeline
To close the year, Ofcom, the communications regulator in the UK, has done a monumental work of analysis to compare the country's position with respect to other of Europe in segments such as TV (pay, air and digital), radio and telecommunications (fixed and mobile). Where applicable, also adds to the comparison to Canada, USA and Japan. The report of over 100 films, has a chapter of the aforementioned countries BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India and China. Particularly strongly recommend pages 34 to 38 who exhibit the progress of the migration to digital terrestrial television in different countries. ( lose here )
For its part, the FCC of the United States introduced a paper which outlines the options to advance the mandate given by Congress to bring broadband access to every household in the country. The work continues to be controversial to the extent that proposes to use for this purpose the Universal Service funds. Among the points highlighted original proposal to use part of the 700 MHz band for social diffusion of broadband and the obligation to "open" Set Top Boxes to enter other providers. ( lose here )
Meanwhile, Secretary of Communications, Lisandro Salas, also took stock of its activities from 2006 to date. ( lose here )
Rubbermaid Canada Warehouse Mississauga Ontario
10 years ago that the state revenue through the use of high-density spectrum (2.5 GHz to 42 GHz). The reason is simple: we have never defined a criterion for final assessment. Ruled only a provisional canon between the 2T98 and until 3Q99, which was dismissed before the first protest of arbitrariness and Pending a final. The lack of criteria for the collection of fees produces multiple injuries radio:
1) 10 years ago that the State does not receive a monthly income that correspond to the use of spectrum in question,
2) Part of this income is no longer recover because if not paid, the debts due after five years,
3) It has generated a debt undetermined - but millionaire - which involves several problems: a.
Companies are no longer interested in providing the service - in whole or in part - can not return the spectrum to the State for having debt. B..
The State can not undertake new spectrum auctions to define rates. For example, the lack of competition delay rates in 3.5 GHz band
c. The last two points have led to a parallel market for buying and selling companies for lack of spectrum
For an approximation of the money he has resigned, the State may make the exercise of considering the original appraisal and existing user base at the time of suspension of payment. Obviously, this is merely an exercise to have a dimension of the case, it is assumed that the State is devising other criteria (see here ). The amount of monthly debt by radio rates under the original scheme would be $ 370,500, almost $ 4,500,000 a year.

The table above shows that, as of December 2009, and there are 124 months of accumulated debt. This yields a total of debts of nearly $ 46,000,000. Unfortunately, 48% of that figure can not be claimed to have spent five years (60 months) since their inception.
PS: Thanks to the masked friend for help.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
What Does A Neutral Wire Do In Uk
The offer mobile broadband networks through a 3.5 G and above has become the most remarkable phenomenon in 2009. The growth in the number of subscribers has been very rapid and large so they can read very disparate figures on the actual size of that market. Beyond logical discrepancies and cared for, the most common mistake - in our humble opinion - is the tendency to compare the number of mobile access to the existence of multiple variants of fixed access. It said that technology is a very different quality of service and, in turn, this ambiguity can not see the true potential of high-speed access to cell phones.
There are many private consulting figures on the number of hits that make up the mobile broadband market. We will use the INDEC. Yes, the INDEC official said it is relieving that market - not disaggregate - from 3Q09. It has included the diffuse category "Wireless, Satellite and Others."

segment "Wireless, Satellite and other" displays an irregular growth from 3Q08, which would state that the measurement of access 3G would be doing since that time. To clear the 3G growth of the other options, has been given continuity to the historical rate of growth of "Wireless, Satellite and Others." It should be noted that - the above inference be correct - measurements from INDEC for 3G between 3Q08 and 4Q08 seem little tight. Measuring the 3G access is more systematic since 1Q09 and is in line with public figures provided by private consultants.

In general, growth is measurand 3G access with the development of fixed broadband. So, for 3Q09, mobile broadband realized by almost 14% of all broadband accesses.

The comparison does not seem fair. Or the fixed or the mobile. Does not do justice to the claim that fixed wireless is an equivalent option. In turn, they overestimate the high-speed wireless access in its possibilities, with the dangers that it has historical significance the past, which seems to be passing bills with amazing returns rates.
To put some perspective to the growth of mobile should look at the growth of broadband from other points of comparison. The way of measuring the growth of 3G access should be against the very base of mobile lines in service. In this respect two databases were developed in service lines available:
1) the official, reported by the INDEC,
2) the official, adjusted by eliminating duplication and other herbs
The comparison with 1 and 2 shows that the penetration of 3G on the installed base is 1.10% and 1.57% respectively. The figure is low when taking into account, for example, that ADSL penetration of fixed lines in service from Telefónica and Telecom was 27% in 3Q09.
Obviously, these variables have managed fixed in the space of seven years.
Nor should dismiss the achievements of the mobile as many of the big players in the market access variable does not have that and feel it as a threat.
PS: It should be understood that only the hits are measured by means of cards, not 3G phones. In this regard, it should be noted that in 3Q09 exist a number of 3G mobile equivalent of the cards in service. However, the traffic flow through the terminals is marginal. Or not so much, and we will post about it.
PD2: In the first two tables, references are reversed. Yellow indicates the measurement period INDEC official. Orange, the period in which it is inferred that the measurement was initiated.
PD3: Elias Vicente, Signals, a real "Show" to the screening! (Calculated figure to 2008)![]()
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Watch Southpark Online On Iphone
Today I wanted to add another line to the section series (I have a right to botoncillo that ye always handy):
This great classic NBC racked up 273 episodes between 1982 and 1993 and accumulated more than a hundred Emmy Award nominations.
action, as you know, took place in a Boston bar called Cheers precisely. For this local circulated, among others, Kirstie Alley, Ted Danson, Woody Harrelson, Shelley Long, Bebe Neuwirth, Rhea Perlman and John Cleese.
tuning of the series (a composition Judy Hart Angelo and Gary Portnoy who played the latter) eventually became his motto: 'Where everybody knows your name. " And if not tell that to Norm!
Let's talk about the song ... In the early 80's, Gary Portnoy and Judy Hart Angelo , were presented with the opportunity to create a theme for a Broadway musical. It was
preppies, a work that was not very successful, and for Gary and Judy composed a song called People Like Us would serve to open the musical.
few months after the premiere, a Hollywood producer called to tell them that although they did not, had composed the main theme of Cheers, a new series that premiered on NBC shortly. Of course, should change the lyrics.
But of course, could not be so easy ... When the musical's producers learned preppies, showed them his contract and told them not to mention that the issue was exclusively for the musical.
Then, the producers of Cheers suggested they write a new theme and these scarce resources, decided autoplagiarse (yes, something many renowned artists have done throughout his career ... but that's another topic)
As the issue of plagiarism did not work tried to compose a track, but none like those of Hollywood.
And we do not know exactly why, but the fact is that producers continued to believe in these two to the main theme of the series, and they showed their confidence ... But time is running out ...
Both were depressed who composed a new theme sad and melancholy. Even they thought they could work ...
Until they came to mind the idea of \u200b\u200bthe bridge ... 'Sometimes you want to go ....' (sometimes want to go), but of course did not know where.
The way they found when they appeared 'Where everybody knows your name' . For ale, they put a little piano intro and go!
came 1982 and began airing the series expected Cheers and became a major ... failure. While not nearly finished the first season.
Instead, Where Everybody Knows Your Name became a great success. Therefore, that evil tongues say (or not), precisely the song that led to the public interest in this new series, which eventually triumphed ... Here is a version
And Gift ... the tribute in the Simpson Flaming Moe's, the site 'Where You Can drink your misery away ...' :
Academic Poster Sizes
Let me write something about music that I find it more familiar and easier to understand. In the spot by Prada Ambrée L'Eau, hear a few bars of Honky Tonk ( as many songs of the time with pt. \u200b\u200b1 and pt. 2, and the capacity of disk 'hard' 78rpm did not allow for more ... ) , a theme that Bill Doggett created back in 1956.
Like a good jazzman, the theme was created out of improvisation, one of the hundreds of concerts such Long Island offered at many local jazz American geography.
Throughout his life he was always faithful to jazz and rhythm-and-blues and so when the fever came rock-and-roll, Doggett continued to play in their local favorites. And it rained it offers to act in clubs, rock and roll (especially since he recorded Honky Tonk undoubtedly the most popular topic).
His first recordings date back to 39 with the orchestra Lucky Millinder. Already in the 40 was an arranger of Ink Spots for three years and then did the same with the Count Basie band of . Toured with Coleman Hawkins , Johnny Otis, Wynonie Harris , Ella Fitzgerald and Lionel Hampton , Louis Jordan, with whom recorded, Saturday Night Fish Fr yy Blue Light Boogie. A good resume, right?
I'll take today with Louis Jordan and this Saturday Night Fish Fry . A resounding success in the late forties, despite being labeled as 'race record', of course. Here's a TV version (somewhat later):
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Horoscopes Linda Goodman
say in that spot Peugeot 5008 'everyone will want to your site. " Well, one of those who 'want your site' is a bear, bear, but a bear. And I will come to present the great band that has given him a theme for the ad. It is the Grizzly Bear with its theme ' Two Weeks. "
Come, come with an interesting video of the song:
This theme appears in his latest Veckatimest ( Warp, 2009). An album that has crept into good positions in the charts and has been very well received by critics. The Brooklyn
recorded for Warp from its enormous Yellow House . That job three years ago that issues like this incuía Knife:
you see and you know, that Warp is not, say, synonymous with conventionality, right? (Remember Aphex Twin, Autechre , Nightmares on Wax, Squarepusher ,...). But it has its own style ...
Look, if you like, and how far you can, this video of Autechre :
And I'll finish this post giving more harm roll, with another Warp creations seal. And is that when put together and Aphex Twin Chris Cunningham Mr. something unusual comes up. And they did this Rubber Johnny, a video that gives a little miedito:
And to think I started this post with the announcement of a family car ... Well, Cunningham also made a spot for the Nissan Primera ...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Online Free Mysore Mallige
Yes, another announcement recycled from other seasons.
In this case, we raised the spot 1 Million, the scent of Paco Rabanne , which we hear with Chemical Brothers Do it Again (French title appropriate for a spot repeated), and we see Matt Gordon , which is the same as last year.
This was the video of the song's original subject matter of these 'brothers' British, which worked Ali Love :
also worked hard at that For example, Midlake . Let me take advantage the opportunity to end this post with a theme of these: Roscoe (by the way, whenever I hear a supposed cousin of Ian Curtis hippy ... yeah, yeah, I rave.)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Gift Bag Cneterpieces
Now it, like every year around this time, the campaign for the Christmas Lottery ... Yes, without Clive Arrindel (better known as El-bald-of-the-lottery), but with the music of Pascal Comelade .
For those who criticize them for giving their music to advertising, Pascal has his answer ready: ' do not pretend to justify anything, but who believe that I am betraying my principles, I ask: "And what you do for a living? '
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Pokemon Deluge Pokemon List
Let's celebrate his birthday with a post, right?
I will begin by recalling the main agenda item. Is the composition Joe Raposo, Jon Stone and Bruce Hart, who can then hear the voices of Angela June, Lois Winter, Ana Isa Otis, Clyde Otis, Jr., Althea Jackson, Todd Graff, Tom Spiro, Andrea Giglio, and Christine Winter (yes, okay, I do not know them by heart ... I am copying from internet ...)
But adaptation of lyrics in Spain was priceless!
A lyricist bravo! Pure poetry! A genius!
Finally poderme'll learn the alphabet! Thanks to professional pianist Ray Charles !!... go, I think I already know ... I showed it to me ... Teresa Rabal although not the same thing right?
Y Today just one of my favorite pieces of Sesame Street ... the pinball to count to twelve! Well!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Milena Velba Clips And
These Do not Worry , a composition of French living in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMinetti Pierre, the first in the list displayed on the video.
is one of the 'Songs Around the World' which is part of the documentary project ' Playing for change. "
The interpretation is performed by musicians of various nationalities, following the successful model set by the version of 'Stand By Me ', which you can see below, which to date already has more than 15 million visits YouTube:
The ' Playing for Change' is a project driven by Mark Johnson in which we find involved, for example, Bono (I think it goes without saying so because this man is at all ...). In the album associated with the project, Songs Around The World, we find, among others, 'Biko' by Peter Gabriel, "Talkin 'Bout a Revolution" by Tracy Chapman or' A Change is Gonna Come 'by Sam Cooke.
Monday, November 2, 2009
What Store Offer Layaway 2010
Style Carrefour and 'Poop Bag' few days ago a campaign was started anonymously under the headline 'Re_ ', who accumulated furniture urban, press and television to generate some buzz.
Well tonight has been given a spot that reveals who is hiding behind 'Re_'. This is Acciona, with this campaign created by McCann Erickson shapes its new strategic plan called Re_Acciona communication. Although it appears that the ad will no longer appear on TV and can only be viewed online.
But what we ... the theme we hear is a version of one of the songs that graced the soundtrack of the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (or a fantasy world) (Mel Stuart, 1971). This film was based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a book by Roald Dahl, the author who also wrote James and the Giant Peach. Recall that in 2005, Tim Burton also showed us his vision Dahl text.
The following video you can hear Gene Wilder (Willy Wonka) singing the same theme of the ad, I had not said, but is entitled Pure Imagination, and is the work of Oscar-winning double Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley.
This theme also have been many versions ... To give some, I decided on this one, the Sicilian Stylophonic :
But let me end this post today, recalling another of the great musical moments of Gene Wilder. With Puttin 'on the Ritz with Young Frankenstein (Mel Brooks, 1974) Fred Astaire dancing to
Monday, October 26, 2009
Does Milena Velba Do Anything?
Today, I will add one more line in the paragraph of TV series. In this case, Time has come to Fringe, this production of the FOX that recently just opened its second season.
As the theme that serves as the theme for the series, is the work of JJ Abrams, one of its creators. It is the first song composed for these purposes, as did the same with two of his own series: Lost (Lost) and Felicity.
addition, it appears that one of the first studies that had JJ Abrams (creator of Alias \u200b\u200b also ) in the film world were a few songs for the film Nightbeast of Don Dohler .
I have not seen, and ask my friend Ignatius Van Dort, a see if I can say some of the film ... Why having discovered that the soundtrack are (in addition to JJ Abrams ), to Robert J. Walsh, creator of Fraggle Rock tuning , for example .... And seeing the face of the film, because I do not know what to think ... Mother! "Ye have seen?
Returning to Fringe, I'll end this post with a couple of promos for the series. In this first collaborated Trent Reznor, has been recreated in Zero-Sum , a subject of Nine Inch Nails , which appeared on the album Year Zero (2007) , to accompany:
And another promo, this one in which we hear Depeche Mode, with the theme Perfect on its recent Sounds of the Universe (2009):
Sunday, October 25, 2009
How Does Og Mudbone Work
the spot that says' the beef burgers, McDonald's comes closer than you think. " And I guess it's the same with the music that accompanies it.
Because it is neither more nor less than a call based in Madrid Malaga Ana Lopez.
Perhaps to mislead about their origin, this young man calling Anni B Sweet. And the announcement of ' McDonald's, Ingredients Truth', we hear making a tender and 'oukelelaica' version of Take On Me Norwegians A-ha , although it does not seem.
is an issue we can not find Start, Redo, Undo ( Subterfuge Records 2009), the only record of this young singer. Although that's no problem, because for less than a week, I think we can get it from iTunes .
The production of this album, run by Brian Hunt , it did the same with the debut of Lourdes Hernández ... I mean ... Russian Red.
By the way, Brian Hunt recently released his first album cover blurred 'I Lost My Glasses "(remember what it was called disk Russian Red, right?)
And, you will not find many places where talk of Anni B Sweet without reference to Russian Red. And few in which both speak without reference to Feist , for example ... I was not going to be less.
The truth is that Ana Lourdes and , accumulate matches for luck or misfortune of both. Remember that Russian Red , also made a version 'folkie' of a classic early eighties, adapting the Girls Just Want to Have Fun in the New York Cindy Lauper.
By the way, here is the first single from the work of Anni B Sweet an item entitled Motorway:
But back the issue of principle, we recall other versions that became the subject of A-Ha . Albeit with a bit more pace, so that those which are lagging as Reel Big Fish the beginning of this video:
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Bergernew Colour Chart
I return with a promo. In this case, the rustic program Farmer Wants a Wife, which emits Four and this year is the second edition
The theme we hear is Ring of Fire, a song made famous by Johnny Cash, who reportedly wrote, more than 40 years, Merle Kilgore and Cash's wife, June Carter (although this collaboration has been questioned because it is said that the co-author Cash was himself).
In those years, 1964, the Ring of Fire, he served the good of Cash to regain popularity in the charts.
is an absolutely classic topic that has been interpreted by countless artists ... of Frank Zappa to Coldplay, Bob Dylan's to Grace Jones, the Leningrad Cowboys to Tom Jones of Blondie to Social Distortion ... Wander internet for a while and see what versions ... more ... versions.
Okay, so here you can hear a live version of the Man-In-Black (Although-in-this-video-no-tanto) Cash:
Let ... it turns out that the Cash-Carter got married as a duo, plus a John Carter Cash, several Grammy awards . The last of them arrived in 1971 for her performance of 'If I Were a Carpenter ", the theme of Tim Hardin had popularized Bobby Darin five years earlier.
But that was not the last Grammy Cash, much less .. continues its success rate to those obtained by what some identify as his epitaph audiovisual.
And in 2003, the year of the death of Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash recorded a video clip that was honored with a Grammy and MTV Award . This was the version that Johnny Cash Hurt made a subject of Nine Inch Nails . Ie this:
Friday, October 23, 2009
Small Group Playground Games For Ks1
As I build up the consultation on this new spot from BMW X1 , I leave the answer here ... .
This is the English version of the spot:
In this version of the announcement of the new BMW X1 , we heard the project called Basque & Jerry Abbott Saturday with the theme With You that apparently is not marketed, for the moment ...
Although, thanks to 'Anonymous' that has left a comment at the entrance, now we know that we can listen whole here:
Some Websites and blogs can find they tell you that the theme is a remix of the group Zdarlight Digitalism . That's because in some international versions of this track sounds spot.
This is the other version, with the theme of Digitalism :
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Boots The Chemist, Tubular Stocking
Va, do not be angry with me!
I, as usual, with a new spot Peugeot 207, in that encourage us to accentuate the positive. Well, this is the title song that plays on the spot. This is a cover of ' Ac-Cent-tchu-Ate the positive . " A classic, the factory-melodic tandem formed by Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer , published back in the 40's ...
An early version was given by the vocal group The Pied Pipers . Training, born in 1940 and originally consisted of 8 members, perhaps too many, so their success came when they began to lose elements ...
Well, good night, that ye may a happy dream, I leave you with ' Dream', another song from Mercer, Pied Pipers with .
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Is Opening Cercixat Theexpected Day Of Period
This is a series of first half of the seventies, created by Ed Spielman, who bore the name ' Kung Fu ', whose tuning ( Caine's Theme ) was composed by Jim Helms :
died today in Bangkok, David Carradine , its protagonist. His interpretation of the monk Kwai Chang Caine earned worldwide success. And despite having worked with great directors like Scorsese or Bergman, none of his numerous roles earned him much fame as he played in the series which starts the post.
Well, almost none ... why a few years later, would come another major role. A job that will be remembered, and for which he was 'rediscovered' by a few. I speak of the role that Quentin Tarantino offered Bill to embody in their now classic Kill Bill: and vol.1 Kill Bill vol.2 .
Let us recall one of the most distinctive melodies Kill Bill. One song written by Sonny Bono , who played his wife ( Cher), and what version the daughter of La Voz, Nancy Sinatra : Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Linsey Dawn Mckenzie First
This is the new spot summer of Estrella Damm :
addition of this brand of beer, and a campaign Formentera promotional, video of the song serves as Summercat of Billie the Vision and the Dancers . This theme of this Swedish band, appears on their 2004 album of the briefest title I Was So Unpopular In School and Now They're Giving Me This Beautiful Bicycle .
can listen and it will download free and other songs of the band from its web (although they also accept donations in the account referred ).
Friday, May 29, 2009
The Brie, The Bullet & The Black Cat Murder
In this spot we can discover how to build an Audi Q5 with a cardboard box ... to be recycled!
The song playing in the notice of the car, just call Car Song (although its author called it Riding in My Car) and is the work of Woody Guthrie and fascist killing machine .. . Well, I say that because often wore on his guitar this statement: 'This machine kill fascists. "
Guthrie, was a social portrait that became the benchmark for many artists such as Bob Dylan . His music had a social and politically charged, and was erected in relation to folk-rock generation, whose artists usually included in his repertoire Woody issues .
Many of his songs were based on traditional melodies ... one of the most popular of this gentleman from Oklahoma is This Land is Your Land , for some, the best American folk song in history ...
Not long ago, Wilco have made a version of another issue of Woody Guthrie , The Jolly Banker . The band allows free download of the song ... But ... requesting a donation for the Woody Guthrie Foundation and Archives .
already a few years ago, the same Wilco collaborated with Billy Bragg English (representative of what was called anti-folk), on the album Mermaid Avenue, working with Guthrie's unpublished material.
Today we are going to be a subject of Billy Bragg ... You Woke Up My Neighbourhood :
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Plato Dvd Ripper Licence
response to a query, go to the spot Suzuki Alto
Well take the opportunity to talk about Blondie , the interpreters of the song playing in one form or another: One Way Or Another .
is a theme that appears in perhaps the best album of this band from New York: Parallel Lines ... An album that is 21 and showing the band's pop side.
Another of the most memorable songs of the band of the former Playboy Playmate, Deborah Harry also appears in this album: Heart of Glass ...
But now that I remember a while ago I talked about and Blondie Heart of Glass , during the introduction to this subject in Gucci spot directed by David Lynch ... or is that ... I better not repeat, right? You may remember that ad just ---> here!
Wow, just enter the web of Blondie and I see that, just have been celebrating the 30th anniversary of Parallel Lines album ...
Oh, and I also announcing a U.S. tour with Pat Benatar ... Another lady in NY, very sexually charged (at least a few years ago ... now ... now ... do not know) ... Here Hit Me With Your Best Shot :
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Probate Officenewcastle
Well I just saw the announcement of Orange (Tarifa Plana Mini) , and sounded thoroughly Waltzing Matilda singing by children ...
Searching the internet I found a version of a "project of children singing '(sounds like a scary movie, right?), Called The Countdown Kids , and carried out by Madacy Entertainment ... I think it's the ad, but I can not say ...
is one of the most popular traditional songs in Australia (it seems that many have proposed to become the national anthem), and talk about a drifter who travels with a mezzanine (called Matilda) hung behind him.
And I think I'll ask you to send me away a hand ... It has come to mind that same melody but with lyrics in English ... and I've been giving myself as fear he remembered ... He said something like, 'Hey friend, hey friend, watch the landscape, spread the word. The hills and valleys that are in the World are the best gift that God gives us '...
my Mother ... which yu-yu! Anybody can help me? Where have I heard? Does it sound to any home, or I have to start worrying?
And since this post is getting me very freaky ... remataré for what one of the versions 'special' that I found on the net ... (The animals in alphabetical order and is non-va-final more ... and what gentlemen!)
No, I can not finish this post so ... hmmm ... I am reminded of a man who also put his 'waltzing Matilda' ... something explained Tom Waits in her delightful Tom Traubert's Blues
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tv Keeps Turning On And Off
The spot of the new Peugeot 3008 hear the Belgians Venus, with its Beautiful Days, a song from his album Vertigone (I do not think the voice and the melody reminds me of Pet Shop Boys minimally or any another thing ... What do you think?) . The whole theme:
Wording For Confidentiality
Harnessing the football event on Wednesday, that is, the final of the Champions League in Rome between the and Manchester United Football Club Barcelona , Reebok is launching this campaign that pits two of its stars: Ryan Giggs (Manchester United) Thierry Henry (FC Barcelona):
The song we hear, is a great classic Irving Berlin entitled Anything You Can Do . There have been many versions of this theme, but the one heard in the spot is the interpreted Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney .
Here's the whole theme, with initial dialogue ...
Storm Before Rock and Roll the Clooney had become a star in the United States. His appearances were numerous in several radio and television (the recording above is precisely one of those programs, which he shared with Bing Crosby ).
also appeared in several productions Hollywood, most notably White Christmas (1954), which also starred Bing Crosby or Danny Kaye
Here is a scene from the film ... Have a very Merry Christmas!
Friday, May 22, 2009
How Much Is Food And Beer In Krakow
Well, heiress Nicole Kidman in the millions campaigns Chanel No 5 is Audrey Tautou.
Led by Jean-Pierre Jeunet , the same who directed her in the film that catapulted her to fame (Yes. .. same ... Amélie), have gone to Istanbul to save this spot for so many dreams perfume accompanied the Monroe.
And what we hear? ... As one of the most poignant voices in the history of music, voice Lady Day: Billie Holiday . And the issue is none other similar 'm a Fool to Want You . Gifted
sensuality, expressiveness, but also sharply, Billie Holiday (who acquired the name in honor of Billie Dove ) had all allowances needed to be built in myth. Had
how useful it is for those who have to sell ... dramatic life (drugs, alcohol, prostitution, prison ...), which was able to weaken his voice over the years, but provided it with ever greater expressiveness ...
From those beginnings with Duke Ellington , working on the soundtrack of "Symphony in Black ', to, for example, the controversial" Lady in Satin ' (one of his favorites), in featuring the song of the spot (and recorded in 58, one year before he died), he gave us hundreds of jewelry ... Here's a protest Strange Fruit:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Are There Capillaries That Go To The Lips?
The music that accompanies the wishes of the employees of the oil platform Mahou spot you have just above is Comelade Pascal. This is the theme of the SSRS dring Sense (a title that is well suited to the meaning of the spot), which appears in his work Psicotic Music Hall.
Comelade is a really versatile and quite anarchic. A musician who has collaborated with such Robert Wyatt, PJ Harvey , Jaume Sisa, Albert Pla, Pau Riba ... I do not know, anything you say to this man, will do honor to work ... Seek things about it and I will understand ... Here it is with the theme of the ad ...
has versioned or 'perversion' myriad of issues (as did The Residents few years ago) ... Oops ... I do not know that putting it ... I do not know what to choose ... Come with Fakir :
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Gay Cruising Abudhabi
Let one of the other spots that are causing more queries ... Is this announcement of the mobile phone company Simyo :
we can hear the song is called Nobody But Me , and is provided by Human Beinz. Here's the original theme.
is the most popular subject these ohioanos, growers frat rock (is that the garage before the garage) and had a little more than brief history ...
And to finish the post, I will say that the sac also find frat rock bands like The Kingsmen , who left us this classic version of the great Richard Berry , Louie, Louie . One issue for some, serve to define the 'garage' that knocked on the door in the 60's ...
Something else ... I like to remember the movie Animal House ( American Animal House, 1978 ), is a good reflection what frat rock meant ...
this scene from the film ... that my brother stuck me in the brain a few years ago, and we see the wise John Belushi in action, is absolutely compelling ...
Long Should A Jabot Curtain Be
summer for the new season of the Swedish H & M , which we have an online for Matthew Williamson H & M , we hear a composition Malcolm Pardon and Fredrik Rinman entitled We need a change .
One issue that many have commented that, since it can achieve little, officially, from iTunes , with the label of a project you have decided to call StereoLies . Pardon and Rinman
, based in Stockholm, are very experienced music makers campaigns and from their 'factory', called Mono Dead, have put their hands, a producer, in some works of artists like Kelly Clarkson , Ronan Keating or also from Sweden, Joey Tempest! (Mama mia!)