The offer mobile broadband networks through a 3.5 G and above has become the most remarkable phenomenon in 2009. The growth in the number of subscribers has been very rapid and large so they can read very disparate figures on the actual size of that market. Beyond logical discrepancies and cared for, the most common mistake - in our humble opinion - is the tendency to compare the number of mobile access to the existence of multiple variants of fixed access. It said that technology is a very different quality of service and, in turn, this ambiguity can not see the true potential of high-speed access to cell phones.
There are many private consulting figures on the number of hits that make up the mobile broadband market. We will use the INDEC. Yes, the INDEC official said it is relieving that market - not disaggregate - from 3Q09. It has included the diffuse category "Wireless, Satellite and Others."

segment "Wireless, Satellite and other" displays an irregular growth from 3Q08, which would state that the measurement of access 3G would be doing since that time. To clear the 3G growth of the other options, has been given continuity to the historical rate of growth of "Wireless, Satellite and Others." It should be noted that - the above inference be correct - measurements from INDEC for 3G between 3Q08 and 4Q08 seem little tight. Measuring the 3G access is more systematic since 1Q09 and is in line with public figures provided by private consultants.

In general, growth is measurand 3G access with the development of fixed broadband. So, for 3Q09, mobile broadband realized by almost 14% of all broadband accesses.

The comparison does not seem fair. Or the fixed or the mobile. Does not do justice to the claim that fixed wireless is an equivalent option. In turn, they overestimate the high-speed wireless access in its possibilities, with the dangers that it has historical significance the past, which seems to be passing bills with amazing returns rates.
To put some perspective to the growth of mobile should look at the growth of broadband from other points of comparison. The way of measuring the growth of 3G access should be against the very base of mobile lines in service. In this respect two databases were developed in service lines available:
1) the official, reported by the INDEC,
2) the official, adjusted by eliminating duplication and other herbs
The comparison with 1 and 2 shows that the penetration of 3G on the installed base is 1.10% and 1.57% respectively. The figure is low when taking into account, for example, that ADSL penetration of fixed lines in service from Telefónica and Telecom was 27% in 3Q09.
Obviously, these variables have managed fixed in the space of seven years.
Nor should dismiss the achievements of the mobile as many of the big players in the market access variable does not have that and feel it as a threat.
PS: It should be understood that only the hits are measured by means of cards, not 3G phones. In this regard, it should be noted that in 3Q09 exist a number of 3G mobile equivalent of the cards in service. However, the traffic flow through the terminals is marginal. Or not so much, and we will post about it.
PD2: In the first two tables, references are reversed. Yellow indicates the measurement period INDEC official. Orange, the period in which it is inferred that the measurement was initiated.
PD3: Elias Vicente, Signals, a real "Show" to the screening! (Calculated figure to 2008)
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