Journal Extresantes Delusional Fools
Sunday, March 27, 2011
How Should I Congrat Engaged People

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011
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ANF According to the report in his presentation, Doria Medina identified as a positive feature of the current CPE democratic vision extends to the Bolivian economy, recognizing it as plural, so you can not impose a form of property or production and although the text has misconceptions, represents in part the aspirations of more equality and better future for the majority of the population.
However, Doria Medina said that the mention of the rights of indigenous peoples in the CPE is not enough. "It takes a real inclusion through production and employment, prevent Doria Medina, denouncing the government uses in this sector as part of the speech, but that keeps it away from the changes in the economy, denying hope to have chance carried out, "he said.
To Doria Medina, the new constitution did not bring any breakthrough in the industrialization process. Bolivia remains dependent on commodity exports, even more than before the constitutional process. For this reason it is not creating jobs and there is a disenchantment with the government of Evo Morales.
"The so-called Gasolinazo, declared the last week of 2010, which attempted to increase the price of gasoline by more than 70%, revealed the government's carelessness, his little consideration of the effects that the poor suffer and the lack of economy, expressing also the failure of oil policy and affecting the fiscal health of the economy, "said Doria Medina. INVESTING
The Government is said to suffer the consequences of not respecting the property in the CPE and have imposed measures that go against economic rationality and even against the political sensitivity, which create uncertainty and therefore less investment and fewer jobs the Bolivian economy needs.
He cited Article 355 of the CPE indicates that investors are required to reinvest its profits in Bolivia, and the new Government is aware of the effects of some of these rules, drafted without regard to the objectives of the country, nor with the need to establish a production agreement to encourage job creation, investment and creating better living conditions for Bolivians.
warned that if the government does not amend his mistakes, Bolivian development will be compromised, it will generate more disappointment among the population and increase the country's problems.
One of the main themes of the Forum was the constitutional reform currently underway in Egypt. A list of recommendations on what not to do.
Link: http://www.eldiario.net/
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Work Plan For Poultry Farming

ORURO that in recent years has grown substantially in the demand for quinoa in the world market, mainly in Europe and Asia, where it is needed because it is one of the best food in the world, according to a report from the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
however regretted that no greater demand on the domestic market, perhaps as in the past when quinoa was scorned as indigenous-peasant movement. "
said that once the law was enacted, it is important for producers to participate in its regulation for the implementation of the Act and achieving a sustained output growth.
The president noted that the agenda includes approval of funding of $ 10 million to make loans to small, medium and large producers of quinoa, primarily in the departments of La Paz, Oruro and Potosi.
"Once approved, the law is an obligation for producers to organize themselves into community enterprises to provide greater added value and volume of quinoa production that is demanded in the world," he said.
out that the producers have increased their areas of cultivation of quinoa in the Bolivian altiplano. "I was crossing the stretch between the towns of Caihuasi and there Straining important crops of this product, "he said.
The Head of State explained that the credits will have various levels of concession. In this way small producers can access up to 21,000 Bolivians, medium to 70,000 large and 350,000 Bolivians and consolidated partnerships between 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 million Bolivians.
urged farmers to form associations to enable them to develop value-added quinoa to enter more strongly to foreign markets.