Thursday, December 31, 2009
Mum Said I Needed To Wear A Girdle
leave the list of 10 most-read notes started the year in March, which will not necessarily be the most remembered. In total, with this note, there are 137 articles published even though the counter of the site (in the archive section on the left) has four fewer and hides the missing in the month of November. There are also five or six notes - most of thematic satellite - which were published and then raised only because they seemed confused. I hope that the production this year has been interesting or useful. Moreover, I wish you a great happy new year to all!
1. "Hello Telcos?: Who said that Telmex does not offer triple play in Mexico?
2. "Hello Telcos?: Telmex Argentina commitment to GPON
3. "Telcos Hello?: DirecTV bought spectrum for WiMAX at 3.5 GHz?
4. "Telcos Hello?: Telmex took the focus for WiMAX and now his priority is the HFC
5." Telcos Hello?: What beer have to do with phones?
6. "Hello Telcos?: Dual SIM SIM Multi kills
7. "Hello Telcos?: Football equivalent of between 6% - 10.5% of cable subscription
8. "Hello Telcos?: The auction of mobile spectrum of Argentina looks to enter new entrants
9. "Hello Telcos?: Digital TV: The State and claimed his third of the spectrum
10. "Hello Telcos?: A specter is haunting the Argentina
Monday, December 28, 2009
Mera Naam Joker Rishi Kapoor Hot Sins
Yota + Cablevision: As a Russian (?) in the fog
Yegor Ivanov, vice president of Yota International, said last week in Nicaragua that his company negotiates an agreement with Cablevision of Argentina to deploy WiMAX networks in the country ( here and here.)
little problem. The details given by Ivanov are few: Cablevision would bring the band spectrum and what follows, the pay TV operator would be the majority shareholder Clarín. It should be noted that the frequency band used worldwide Yota is the 2.5 GHz and there turns about, is a company that seeks to replicate on a global scale the business model - at least at the network level - started in Russia. In the same vein, Yota require spectrum in Buenos Aires, in a second, moving towards the interior. "Cablevision has that spectrum?
Bands. In Argentina, the spectrum has been used historically to provide on MMDS pay TV remains an option that has been relegated - worldwide - as the progress of the pay TV cable networks and, especially, the DTH. However, in 1999, the 2.5 GHz band in the Capital area Federal and 180 miles was reassigned to the provision of bidirectional data. Obviously, this is the resource that would interest Yota for a WiMAX deployment.
Candidate. However, among the few blocks allocated in that position spectral licensee company is not listed as one linked to the Clarín Group. However, it is common knowledge that the U.S. company Nextwave said to have 42 MHz in the band and wants to get rid of them, as mentioned balance religiously every three months. In fact, in early 2009, the company aired - unwisely - that looked "rent" their appeal to the local subsidiary of Telmex, operation failed.
Hypothesis. Nextwave might think that now we "rent out" the bands in question to Cablevision to turn, ride a Yota society. If the move were that it would be for other risky because the spectrum at issue changed hands several times in the last decade without the Secom has been notified once. Not to mention that, for example, WebSky, Nextwave's predecessor, had serious problems with the U.S. SEC by the sudden development of your action based on exaggerated growth forecasts in Argentina ( illegal move made by third ) . In other words, the bands of Nextwave come "loose papers" and the government in its war with Clarin, could easily revoke the rights and well provided for "rent" the bands, if that were the case.
Yegor Ivanov, vice president of Yota International, said last week in Nicaragua that his company negotiates an agreement with Cablevision of Argentina to deploy WiMAX networks in the country ( here and here.)
The entry into any country depends largely on the availability of frequency, and in some countries we can not find this frequency because it is occupied by other players who also have ambitions to do the same, eg the case of Argentina with Cablevision. Now our team has in mind potential 75 countries where we are more than welcome. At this time, members of my team are in Argentina talking with Cablevision. Yota sometimes can not be the majority shareholder, and sometimes a minor role only, but we want to gain knowledge and experience. I think we have the best prices on the market
Yegor Ivanov, Tyn raised
little problem. The details given by Ivanov are few: Cablevision would bring the band spectrum and what follows, the pay TV operator would be the majority shareholder Clarín. It should be noted that the frequency band used worldwide Yota is the 2.5 GHz and there turns about, is a company that seeks to replicate on a global scale the business model - at least at the network level - started in Russia. In the same vein, Yota require spectrum in Buenos Aires, in a second, moving towards the interior. "Cablevision has that spectrum?
Bands. In Argentina, the spectrum has been used historically to provide on MMDS pay TV remains an option that has been relegated - worldwide - as the progress of the pay TV cable networks and, especially, the DTH. However, in 1999, the 2.5 GHz band in the Capital area Federal and 180 miles was reassigned to the provision of bidirectional data. Obviously, this is the resource that would interest Yota for a WiMAX deployment.
Candidate. However, among the few blocks allocated in that position spectral licensee company is not listed as one linked to the Clarín Group. However, it is common knowledge that the U.S. company Nextwave said to have 42 MHz in the band and wants to get rid of them, as mentioned balance religiously every three months. In fact, in early 2009, the company aired - unwisely - that looked "rent" their appeal to the local subsidiary of Telmex, operation failed.
Hypothesis. Nextwave might think that now we "rent out" the bands in question to Cablevision to turn, ride a Yota society. If the move were that it would be for other risky because the spectrum at issue changed hands several times in the last decade without the Secom has been notified once. Not to mention that, for example, WebSky, Nextwave's predecessor, had serious problems with the U.S. SEC by the sudden development of your action based on exaggerated growth forecasts in Argentina ( illegal move made by third ) . In other words, the bands of Nextwave come "loose papers" and the government in its war with Clarin, could easily revoke the rights and well provided for "rent" the bands, if that were the case.
PS: Available ( here ) Yota a good profile, a company which in 2009 became world famous for having a model of WiMAX "if it works" which is not little. It is worth noting that the company has focused on providing high capacity access for which has deployed a large number of base stations and own fiber backbone. In turn, has a policy of unlimited downloads, which is a differential in that market. Of thereby offset the price of fertilizer more expensive compared to competition wired options.
PD2: Cablevision looks for a while the incorporation of WiMAX technology to increase its network coverage in view of multiple threats: 1) the strong increase in the number of 3G mobile Internet access, compared to that does not have an option technology to contrast and 2) the tremendous progress in the Telecentre network coverage in the Federal Capital. Although WiMAX does not look like a stable option for pay TV stand, therefore, triple play services, it must be noted that Yota has a solution to access on-demand video services. It should be noted, moreover, has already begun Yota Russia tests with mobile WiMAX.
PD 3: Available ( here ) on the balance of the 2.5 GHz band in Argentina, which has greater detail the change of hands by those who passed the 42 MHz Nextwave.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Fifth Wheel For Ridgeline
To close the year, Ofcom, the communications regulator in the UK, has done a monumental work of analysis to compare the country's position with respect to other of Europe in segments such as TV (pay, air and digital), radio and telecommunications (fixed and mobile). Where applicable, also adds to the comparison to Canada, USA and Japan. The report of over 100 films, has a chapter of the aforementioned countries BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India and China. Particularly strongly recommend pages 34 to 38 who exhibit the progress of the migration to digital terrestrial television in different countries. ( lose here )
For its part, the FCC of the United States introduced a paper which outlines the options to advance the mandate given by Congress to bring broadband access to every household in the country. The work continues to be controversial to the extent that proposes to use for this purpose the Universal Service funds. Among the points highlighted original proposal to use part of the 700 MHz band for social diffusion of broadband and the obligation to "open" Set Top Boxes to enter other providers. ( lose here )
Meanwhile, Secretary of Communications, Lisandro Salas, also took stock of its activities from 2006 to date. ( lose here )
To close the year, Ofcom, the communications regulator in the UK, has done a monumental work of analysis to compare the country's position with respect to other of Europe in segments such as TV (pay, air and digital), radio and telecommunications (fixed and mobile). Where applicable, also adds to the comparison to Canada, USA and Japan. The report of over 100 films, has a chapter of the aforementioned countries BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India and China. Particularly strongly recommend pages 34 to 38 who exhibit the progress of the migration to digital terrestrial television in different countries. ( lose here )
For its part, the FCC of the United States introduced a paper which outlines the options to advance the mandate given by Congress to bring broadband access to every household in the country. The work continues to be controversial to the extent that proposes to use for this purpose the Universal Service funds. Among the points highlighted original proposal to use part of the 700 MHz band for social diffusion of broadband and the obligation to "open" Set Top Boxes to enter other providers. ( lose here )
Meanwhile, Secretary of Communications, Lisandro Salas, also took stock of its activities from 2006 to date. ( lose here )
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debts by high-density spectrum would add $ 46 million but 48% is no longer reclaimable
10 years ago that the state revenue through the use of high-density spectrum (2.5 GHz to 42 GHz). The reason is simple: we have never defined a criterion for final assessment. Ruled only a provisional canon between the 2T98 and until 3Q99, which was dismissed before the first protest of arbitrariness and Pending a final. The lack of criteria for the collection of fees produces multiple injuries radio:
For an approximation of the money he has resigned, the State may make the exercise of considering the original appraisal and existing user base at the time of suspension of payment. Obviously, this is merely an exercise to have a dimension of the case, it is assumed that the State is devising other criteria (see here ). The amount of monthly debt by radio rates under the original scheme would be $ 370,500, almost $ 4,500,000 a year.
The table above shows that, as of December 2009, and there are 124 months of accumulated debt. This yields a total of debts of nearly $ 46,000,000. Unfortunately, 48% of that figure can not be claimed to have spent five years (60 months) since their inception.
PS: Thanks to the masked friend for help.
10 years ago that the state revenue through the use of high-density spectrum (2.5 GHz to 42 GHz). The reason is simple: we have never defined a criterion for final assessment. Ruled only a provisional canon between the 2T98 and until 3Q99, which was dismissed before the first protest of arbitrariness and Pending a final. The lack of criteria for the collection of fees produces multiple injuries radio:
1) 10 years ago that the State does not receive a monthly income that correspond to the use of spectrum in question,
2) Part of this income is no longer recover because if not paid, the debts due after five years,
3) It has generated a debt undetermined - but millionaire - which involves several problems: a.
Companies are no longer interested in providing the service - in whole or in part - can not return the spectrum to the State for having debt. B..
The State can not undertake new spectrum auctions to define rates. For example, the lack of competition delay rates in 3.5 GHz band
c. The last two points have led to a parallel market for buying and selling companies for lack of spectrum
For an approximation of the money he has resigned, the State may make the exercise of considering the original appraisal and existing user base at the time of suspension of payment. Obviously, this is merely an exercise to have a dimension of the case, it is assumed that the State is devising other criteria (see here ). The amount of monthly debt by radio rates under the original scheme would be $ 370,500, almost $ 4,500,000 a year.

The table above shows that, as of December 2009, and there are 124 months of accumulated debt. This yields a total of debts of nearly $ 46,000,000. Unfortunately, 48% of that figure can not be claimed to have spent five years (60 months) since their inception.
PS: Thanks to the masked friend for help.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
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Mobile Broadband: Everything in its extent and harmoniously
The offer mobile broadband networks through a 3.5 G and above has become the most remarkable phenomenon in 2009. The growth in the number of subscribers has been very rapid and large so they can read very disparate figures on the actual size of that market. Beyond logical discrepancies and cared for, the most common mistake - in our humble opinion - is the tendency to compare the number of mobile access to the existence of multiple variants of fixed access. It said that technology is a very different quality of service and, in turn, this ambiguity can not see the true potential of high-speed access to cell phones.
There are many private consulting figures on the number of hits that make up the mobile broadband market. We will use the INDEC. Yes, the INDEC official said it is relieving that market - not disaggregate - from 3Q09. It has included the diffuse category "Wireless, Satellite and Others."
segment "Wireless, Satellite and other" displays an irregular growth from 3Q08, which would state that the measurement of access 3G would be doing since that time. To clear the 3G growth of the other options, has been given continuity to the historical rate of growth of "Wireless, Satellite and Others." It should be noted that - the above inference be correct - measurements from INDEC for 3G between 3Q08 and 4Q08 seem little tight. Measuring the 3G access is more systematic since 1Q09 and is in line with public figures provided by private consultants.
In general, growth is measurand 3G access with the development of fixed broadband. So, for 3Q09, mobile broadband realized by almost 14% of all broadband accesses.
The comparison does not seem fair. Or the fixed or the mobile. Does not do justice to the claim that fixed wireless is an equivalent option. In turn, they overestimate the high-speed wireless access in its possibilities, with the dangers that it has historical significance the past, which seems to be passing bills with amazing returns rates.
To put some perspective to the growth of mobile should look at the growth of broadband from other points of comparison. The way of measuring the growth of 3G access should be against the very base of mobile lines in service. In this respect two databases were developed in service lines available:
The offer mobile broadband networks through a 3.5 G and above has become the most remarkable phenomenon in 2009. The growth in the number of subscribers has been very rapid and large so they can read very disparate figures on the actual size of that market. Beyond logical discrepancies and cared for, the most common mistake - in our humble opinion - is the tendency to compare the number of mobile access to the existence of multiple variants of fixed access. It said that technology is a very different quality of service and, in turn, this ambiguity can not see the true potential of high-speed access to cell phones.
There are many private consulting figures on the number of hits that make up the mobile broadband market. We will use the INDEC. Yes, the INDEC official said it is relieving that market - not disaggregate - from 3Q09. It has included the diffuse category "Wireless, Satellite and Others."

segment "Wireless, Satellite and other" displays an irregular growth from 3Q08, which would state that the measurement of access 3G would be doing since that time. To clear the 3G growth of the other options, has been given continuity to the historical rate of growth of "Wireless, Satellite and Others." It should be noted that - the above inference be correct - measurements from INDEC for 3G between 3Q08 and 4Q08 seem little tight. Measuring the 3G access is more systematic since 1Q09 and is in line with public figures provided by private consultants.

In general, growth is measurand 3G access with the development of fixed broadband. So, for 3Q09, mobile broadband realized by almost 14% of all broadband accesses.

The comparison does not seem fair. Or the fixed or the mobile. Does not do justice to the claim that fixed wireless is an equivalent option. In turn, they overestimate the high-speed wireless access in its possibilities, with the dangers that it has historical significance the past, which seems to be passing bills with amazing returns rates.
To put some perspective to the growth of mobile should look at the growth of broadband from other points of comparison. The way of measuring the growth of 3G access should be against the very base of mobile lines in service. In this respect two databases were developed in service lines available:
1) the official, reported by the INDEC,
2) the official, adjusted by eliminating duplication and other herbs
The comparison with 1 and 2 shows that the penetration of 3G on the installed base is 1.10% and 1.57% respectively. The figure is low when taking into account, for example, that ADSL penetration of fixed lines in service from Telefónica and Telecom was 27% in 3Q09.
Obviously, these variables have managed fixed in the space of seven years.
Nor should dismiss the achievements of the mobile as many of the big players in the market access variable does not have that and feel it as a threat.
PS: It should be understood that only the hits are measured by means of cards, not 3G phones. In this regard, it should be noted that in 3Q09 exist a number of 3G mobile equivalent of the cards in service. However, the traffic flow through the terminals is marginal. Or not so much, and we will post about it.
PD2: In the first two tables, references are reversed. Yellow indicates the measurement period INDEC official. Orange, the period in which it is inferred that the measurement was initiated.
PD3: Elias Vicente, Signals, a real "Show" to the screening! (Calculated figure to 2008)![]()
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