Digital TV is still a puzzle Implementation of Digital Terrestrial TV (DTT), under the ISDB-T standard in Argentina is still an ongoing process and questions-core or derivatives, which will clarify, or not, on that same gear . The Government, in time, preferred to play the mystery. But as they begin to drop the injunction against the law Media, it's time to define the model TDT. Argentina out of World decos to buy cheap (?).
spectrum level, Argentina has 12 VHF channels (2 to 13) and 48 UHF (21 to 69, 53 does not count because it is used for Radio Astronomy), all with a 6 MHz bandwidth of State already 4 channels reserved for DVB-T UHF 22 to 25 - and announced that it will take another four, still unidentified. It has also been reflected through the Official Bulletin of the CNC recommendation to migrate to existing pay TV satellite systems from UHF channel 42, there are 9 operators in different regions of the country that, together, would amount to no more than 250,000 subscribers.
Suspected that these systems pay TV via UHF only be allowed to operate between channels 42 to 51, which would yield a total of 54 MHz Although the space in question would be lower than the 60-90 MHz UHF payments set forth in Currently, the difference would be offset through the digitization of the supply in order to multiply the number of signals offered on a single analog channel. The problem is that many of those payment systems are already digital UHF on the DVB-T standard. For those cases, the Government's proposal would be to change the scan for DVB-T ISDB-T. The supposed official recommendation would come to mind that the ISDB-T uses MPEG-4 compression, more efficient than MPEG-2 DVB-T, and because it would give the nod to pay on arming offers 1.2 million DTT set-top boxes that the Government distribute free of charge. Of the three payments UHF systems presence in Greater Buenos Aires, and Telecentre Antina have already been agreed and the third is Cablevision's not yet known their views. Even telecommunications cooperatives would also be interested in this model which could increase the supply of DTT, which in itself is already an increased amount of free TV channels with pay TV channels, all on a single receptor (
here ).
Although the supply of TV via Freeview will be open free of charge, the Government does not seem to have problems with the presence of pay proposals that are complementary to public service. In fact, several telecommunications operators in Argentina to discuss and offer ADSL modems with ISDB-T receiver built. Under this scheme could provide added value services for payments on the IP connection: Video on Demand, Pay for View, Catch Up, etc.. From a leading cable operator in Argentina, downplay that possibility, at least in the short term, since the required broadband connection should be robust, so that conditioning would only apply to 10% of the base Telefónica's broadband and Telecom. In addition, questions are likely to arise regulatory.
If payments UHF systems are located between channels 42 and 51, looking to auction off the space between 52 to 69 channels for wireless broadband services, the famous band of 700 MHz
by any mobile operator would pay given their good fortune spread capabilities resulting in less investment in infrastructure. However, this possibility would require a bureaucratic miracle: the telecommunications and broadcasting authorities should agree.
So, the UHF spectrum from 21 to 41 would be allocated for the implementation of DTT. There are 21 channels per local area, including the State has already claimed 8, allowing a huge potential signals, at least 40. Thus, that principle was broken, never captured in the Media Act, which was promised by the sharing of the spectrum in equal thirds to the state, private and social organizations.
UHF The remaining 13 channels should be granted to existing analog TV stations to broadcast during analog-digital simulcast, a process that has not yet established a formal term but that the authorities set a maximum term of 10 years . Since, for example, in Buenos Aires there are only 4 private open TV stations, given plenty of space for new channels channels, private or community. The question is how much spectrum will be given to those stations, present or future. In theory, should be 6 MHz If so, the question is whether multiprogramming is permitted, ie the possibility of transmitting a signal over a single channel of 6 MHz, as permitted by DTT, which was the key success in Europe. The above triggers another question: do any of those signs "extra" could be paid? The regulatory history of the region are not unanimous. Multiprogramming Brazil only allows for state broadcasters, Chile, still under discussion in Parliament, and Peru allow the possibility of issuing several signals simultaneously and require only one of them is a mirror of the analog. In Mexico, the end of 2009, TV Azteca managed to open court-multiprogramming failure is not yet final, but the offer should be free.